The true story of Barbora Skrlová, “The Orphan”

In 2009 the film has released The orphan whose plot revolved around Esther, who is adopted by a couple who just lost their baby. However, when strange things begin to happen, the couple begins to suspect …

The true story of Barbora Skrlová, “The Orphan”

In 2009 the film has released The orphan whose plot revolved around Esther, who is adopted by a couple who just lost their baby. However, when strange things begin to happen, the couple begins to suspect that the girl is to blame for everything. spoiler alert: at the end of the film we learn that the little girl is an adult who pretends to be 13 years old when in reality she is 33.

The plot of the film impacted many, but not as much as when it came to light that it was based on real events, only instead of Esther, the woman is called Barbora Skrlová. Her story became very popular in 2007 when the Czech Republic media revealed one of the most lurid cases recorded in that country. Although there are no official records of her childhood, it is known that from a very young age she was subjected to studies to find out why she could not develop like any other girl.


Barbora was born with a serious condition of hypopituitarism, a disease that causes the pituitary gland to not produce sufficient levels of hormones for growth. For this reason, the 33-year-old had the appearance of a 13-year-old girl.

From an early age, her parents discovered that she suffered from some mental problems with psychopathic tendencies, so they decided to put her in a hospital from which it is still unknown how she managed to escape.

Barbora Skrlova

After her escape, the young woman posed as a 13-year-old girl under the name Anika and was able to gain the trust of Klara and Katherina Mauerová, sisters and single mothers who lived in Kuřim, Czech Republic, with their children. Soon after, the woman convinced them to join the sect called “The Grail movement”, where they carried out heinous activities such as incest and cannibalism.

In that place, the minors were caged, beaten, burned, poorly fed and victims of more abuse, which ended when one of their neighbors bought a device to monitor babies, through which he captured the signal of the monitors that they had in their basement. Realizing this, the man reported them to the authorities, who arrested the sisters and later took the minors, including Anika, to a specialized center.

Anika and Klara

Katherina and Klara explained that they had allowed themselves to be manipulated by Barbora, who had already fled to Norway in search of starting a new life. In this country there is a record that she cut her hair, put on a little weight and called herself Adam.

“Adam” was adopted by a family. However, raising suspicions, she escaped again, although she was able to be arrested by the authorities and sentenced to five years in prison.


Thirteen years ago, in 2009, Barbora Skrlová was extradited to the Czech Republic and after two years in prison, she was released for good behavior. So far the whereabouts of the woman who inspired the story of The orphan.