What Makes Good Art

What makes good art? This is the question that has been discussed since long ago. There are millions of arguments that are presented to support so many perspectives as good characteristics of art. But as …

What Makes Good Art

What makes good art? This is the question that has been discussed since long ago. There are millions of arguments that are presented to support so many perspectives as good characteristics of art. But as we get forward in this discussion, first let you understand what is art? What are the features which make something to be called as art?

What is Art?

The word Art is derived from the Latin word “Ars”, which is explained as some craft or skill. This word had been used first in the 13th century. Then with the passage of time, this word adopted many changes in its sound and use. Art can be defined through three perspectives. The first explanation worthy enough to be considered was put forward by Plato. He mentioned art as an imitation of various objects and affairs. At the second place came Romantics. They were of the view that art is a representation of passionate emotions. On the third came the philosophers who believe that art is a form that has its own depiction of harmony and rhythm instead of a mere imitation of some objects, incidents, or emotions.

Features of good art

The most important features which are believed to make a good canvas wall art vary from time to time. In the beginning, the most appreciable art was the most perfect imitation of life. Then with the passage of time expressing passion and emotions became the main theme for good artwork. And after that came the artists who favored form of art to be considered as a first and foremost preference for judging an art as good.

Elements of art

So what scales should be adopted to decide what makes good art. Let me tell you first there are some elements that are believed to form an art; these are line, shape, texture, form, space, color, value, and materials. With help of these elements, an artist gets able to craft so many forms of art as painting, graphic designing, interior and exterior decoration for buildings, sculpture making, drawing, photography, and so on. These elements are responsible to make art good or bad. No matter which forms of art you are going to craft, but unless you don’t have knowledge how to use these elements in a balanced way, you cannot have a good art piece.

Characteristics of good art

Some characteristics which make good art painting are discussed here;

Elements of art are very important in making good art. All the ingredients should be mixed with harmony and balance. Each form of art requires some specific elements to be used in a unique way to make good artwork.

The devotion of an artist is very important to make art good. Unless an artist is not taking his task by heart he will not be able to use his skills in full form.

Every artist has his own interests and personal experiences. His artwork depicts his medium of attraction. This is the reason for the fact that some people find an artwork attractive and at the same time some others may find it not worthy enough to be appreciated. This fact counts a lot to make good art. If an artist tries to depict themes of common interest, his work may be ranked as good art.

Timespan matters a lot to scale art as well. Art should be according to the custom of its time. When some art is crafted after going beyond the limits of time, it has a little fan following. Not everyone has taste for the evergreen type of art.

The culture of a specific area counts much in making good art. The artwork will be able to win a great number of favors if it depicts the culture of the area in which it is crafted. Winning a number of viewers with applause will surely make it good art.

To conclude we may say that there is not a single feature that makes art good. Various characteristics are brought together to make good artwork.

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