We’re always on the lookout for nutritional supplements that offer exceptional benefits. Our search led us to a company called NeoLife that sells products they say will help “end the trend” of poor nutrition. We had to find out if the products worked and if the MLM opportunity is worth buying into.
Our first concern was that, for health products, some of NeoLife’s supplements contain quite a bit of added sugar. After that discovery, we decided to look into the claims the company makes about their products, possible side effects, and what science has to say. Finally, we wrapped all of the information together to bring you this concise report and our bottom line.
NeoLife can be purchased through their Official Site.
What is NeoLife?
NeoLife is a company that offers an extensive line of nutritional supplements. The products are supposed to help with everything from weight, to heart health, to digestive health—and several other areas of health in between. The supplements use various ingredients that are supposed to supply the nutrition you’ll find in whole fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish.

The company offers individual products and Health Packs that contain a few different products aimed at a specific health concern or function. The two main products aimed at weight loss are the NeoLife Shake and NeoLife Tea, so does the research behind the ingredients in these formulas show they’ll work?
- Food & Function – Hands down, meal replacement shakes have proof they work to help people lose weight. This is especially true if the shakes are used alongside lifestyle changes like adding exercise and reducing overall calorie intake.
- Molecules – “The mechanistic systems in the body through which tea causes weight loss are complex and multi-dimensional. Additionally, the bioactive components in tea such as catechins, caffeine, and products of tea polyphenol oxidation vary greatly from one major tea type to the next.” NeoLife Tea uses green, black and white teas, so all varieties are covered. Good choice.
- Drug and Alcohol Dependence – The teas in NeoLife Tea supply caffeine, but there’s also added caffeine in the mix. Researchers are growing concerned that “Even though caffeine is a functional drug there are concerns about dependence.”
NeoLife Competitors
How Did NeoLife Start?
NeoLife is part of a larger company called GNLD, which was founded by Jerry Brassfield. Brassfield is an entrepreneur who, according to the NeoLife website, grew up in a low-income family. He was determined to have a better future and began selling family nameplates door to door at 13 to save up money for college.
The site says that Brassfield’s mother was determined to improve her son’s health, so she “began adding quality nutritional products to his daily diet.” Supposedly, his improved health inspired a desire to help others improve their nutrition.
NeoLife got its start in 1958 with a product they called Formula IV. The official website says that Formula IV was “the first whole food nutritional supplement based on delivering Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates, whole grain ‘Lipids and Sterols’ to support optimal cellular nutrition.” Later, Brassfield acquired the company and merged with GNLD.
NeoLife has been accredited by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) since 1969 and currently has an A+ rating. Along the same lines, the average customer review on the site is 4/5 stars.
Some of NeoLife’s products include Bar, Shake, Tea, Acidophilus Plus, CoQ10, PhytoDefense, Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus, Pro Vitality, Tré – Nutritional Essence, Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates, Carotenoid Comple, and Garlic Allium Complex.
Is NeoLife an MLM Company?

NeoLife sells its products through “Promoters.” They describe the opportunity as “kind of like a tech startup but with nutrition.” Though the official website doesn’t call the way they sell products as an MLM, compensation does pay based on products sold by the promoter and everyone else in their “team,” including other promoters and club members. The amount a promoter makes is based on how much they sell and how many people signed up under them and how much those in their downline sell.
NeoLife offers promoters an app called “NeoLife Backoffice.” This app is supposed to help you keep track of your rank, review orders, shop, and more.
One question that people often have regarding companies that use MLM to promote their products is legitimate. It can be challenging to tell the difference between a pyramid scheme, which is illegal and an MLM opportunity.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) says that the difference between an MLM and a pyramid scheme is that with an MLM, you make money based on how much product you sell to the public. With a pyramid scheme, the money you make is dependent on how many people you sign up and how much you sell to those people.
The FTC offers the following tips for determining if an MLM opportunity is legitimate:
- Learn about the products. Find out if they are good quality and do what they claim to do.
- Find out about the company. Including how long they’ve been in business if they have a good reputation, and whether they’ve have any past lawsuits questionable practices in the past.
- Take time to read information, including the terms and conditions, and think about your decision before signing a contract.
Scroll below for one of the best products we’ve seen over the last year.
NeoLife Claims

About the NeoLife Bar:
- Provides long-lasting energy.
- Curbs hunger.
- Contains antioxidants.
They also claim that having a healthy snack twice a day will improve your weight loss success.
One of their best-selling products is the 3-Day Detox. They claim that it will:
- Kickstart weight loss.
- Remove toxins from the body.
- Promote gut health.
Another product, the NeoLife Shake, is supposedly clinically proven to:
- Reduce body fat.
- Help with weight loss.
- Lower BMI.
- Provide cardiovascular protection.

One thing it is important to note about the claims made by many supplement companies is that they are not evaluated for accuracy by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
When it comes to supplements, the FDA only looks at whether the label is accurate, and the product contains only what is on the ingredients list. That means they don’t determine if a supplement is effective.
NeoLife Ingredients

There are a lot of NeoLife products, so obviously we can’t list all of the ingredients here.
However, some of the ingredients they use are:
- Proprietary protein blend.
- Fructose.
- Proprietary protein and fiber blend.
- Evaporated cane juice.
- Senna extract.
- Lactobacillus Plus proprietary blend.
They also use many ingredients you’ll recognize as things you have in your cupboards and refrigerator, such as:
- Pumpkin seeds.
- Raisins.
- Dried cranberries.
- Peanut Butter.
- Honey.

Does NeoLife Work?
One positive aspect of NeoLife is that they provide information about clinical studies using the ingredients in their products.
While that’s a positive thing, they may only be giving customers one side of the story.
Some of the NeoLife products, like the NeoLife Shake, use a proprietary blend of protein. NeoLife says that their protein shake will help users to lose weight. They suggest that you use the shake as a meal replacement.
The Journal of the American Society of Nephrology says that overeating protein can also be detrimental to your health. According to the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, when you consume too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to remove the excess nitrogen from your system. The average adult only needs to consume between 46 and 56 grams of protein daily.
Another concern is with the idea of people needing to detoxify their bodies. NeoLife suggests that their 3-Day Detox pack can remove toxins from your body and help you lose weight.

A group of scientists in the UK looked into claims made by companies that sold products they claimed would detoxify the body. In their extensive research, they found that companies used the word “detoxify” to mean many different things.
Also, most of the products they studied didn’t live up to their claims.
NeoLife – Too Much Sugar?
One of the things our research team does when researching a product or company is to read what people are saying about it. One concern we saw frequently was about the amount of sugar in some of the NeoLife products.

The recommendation for women is to eat no more than 25 grams of added sugar per day and that men eat no more than 36 grams.
The NeoLife Fruits & Nuts Bar and the NeoLife Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar, products touted by the company as a healthy snack, contain 10 grams of sugar. NeoLife suggests consuming two bars per day as part of a weight management diet, so that’s 20 grams of sugar.
Now, if you were also to use NeoLife Shakes, which are part of the Weight Loss Pack, you’d be eating even more sugar. NeoLife Shakes contain 11 grams of sugar per serving. If you replaced a meal with a shake and then ate two NeoLife Bars as snacks, you’d be getting 31 grams of sugar per day.
If you’re female, you’re over the recommended limit. If you’re male, you’re left remarkably limited in what you can eat for the rest of the day.
NeoLife Benefits and Results

NeoLife suggests there are many benefits to using their products.
Some of the things they say their products will do are:
- Make you healthier.
- Help you lose weight.
- Detoxify your body.
While we agree that the products offer many nutrients, you can get all the nutrients you need by eating a balanced diet.
Yes, it may take a little more thought than grabbing a protein shake or a bar, but it will likely be less expensive and better for you overall.
Choosing healthy, whole foods, you can avoid a lot of the added sugars that are present in some of NeoLife’s products.
Details on NeoLife and Weight Loss

Although protein shakes and detoxifying supplements are popular as weight loss products, science suggests that they aren’t as effective as NeoLife would have you believe. Using a protein drink as a meal replacement may result in temporary weight loss, but let’s take a closer look at the research into the two main weight-loss products from the company.
NeoLife Shake is formulated with soy protein, whey protein and a proprietary fiber blend. According to Obesity, prepared meals and meal replacements are an effective means of weight loss for people who have trouble with plan adherence. There’s even evidence that total meal replacement is even more effective than partial meal replacement for weight loss, according to the BMJ. The extra protein provided by products like NeoLife Shake has been shown to help improve function in obese individuals with frailty issues, says the Journal of Gerontology.
NeoLife Tea contains ingredients like caffeine, green tea, panax ginseng and rhodiola rosea. A recent review of all available literature supports the claim that caffeine can promote weight loss, based on research published in Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. As for green tea, “scientific evidence supporting the beneficial anti-obesity effects of green tea and GTCs [green tea catechins] has been increasing,” according to Molecules.
How to Use NeoLife
How you use NeoLife’s products depends on the product you are using.
They provide instructions for each supplement on their website. For example, the instructions for NeoLife Shakes say to mix two scoops of the powder with 8 ounces of cold water.
Where You Can Buy NeoLife
NeoLife products are not available from retail stores, but you can purchase them directly from the NeoLife website. Some of their products are also available on Amazon. You also have the option of buying products through a promoter.

The cost of NeoLife products, of course, depends on which products you’re interested in. They’re a little hard to find, though.
To find the costs on the official website, you have to begin signing up as a Club Member. Once you do that, you can see the prices of products with and without the auto-ship option.
Some of the costs are below:
- Vitality Pack: $57.45, $54.58 with auto-ship.
- Weight Loss Pack: $266.45, $253.13 with auto-ship.
- 3-Day Detox: $51.55, $48.97 with auto-ship.
What is the NeoLife Club Membership?
NeoLife offers a Club Membership that enables customers to purchase their products at a discounted rate. There is no cost for signing up. Benefits of the NeoLife Club Membership are:
- Exclusive Products
- 15-30% Off Suggested Retail
- Nutrition & Personal Development
- Complimentary Personal Website
- 3 for FREE Program
- NeoLife Challenge
- Fun Events & Community
Since it doesn’t appear that you can purchase a product on the official website without becoming a Club Member, we can’t help but question whether you’re getting a discount unless you agree to have products auto-shipped.
Potential NeoLife Side Effects

All products have some potential for side effects. Some people may have no problems with a product at all, but others might have some difficulties.
To determine the potential NeoLife side effects, our researchers looked at some of the ingredients they use.
NeoLife shakes use a protein blend that contains:
- Soy protein isolate
- Nonfat dry milk
- Whey protein isolate
- Calcium sodium caseinate
People who have difficulty digesting milk products may experience side effects like:
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Cramps
- Bloating
- Gas
Whey in high doses can cause:
- Increased bowel movements
- Nausea
- Thirst
- Bloating
- Cramps
- Lack of appetite
- Fatigue
- Headache
NeoLife Detox uses senna extract can cause:
- Stomach discomfort
- Cramps
- Diarrhea
And, since detoxifying products clean out your intestines, you can expect to spend some extra time in the bathroom.
NeoLife Product Warnings
The warnings listed for NeoLife depends on the individual product.
Any NeoLife Lawsuits?
Our researchers did not find mention of any NeoLife lawsuits or NeoLife recalls.
Is NeoLife a Scam?

We do not think that NeoLife is a scam. However, that doesn’t mean we think you should rush into using the products or becoming a promoter. Instead, we recommend taking the time to read the scientific evidence the company provides about its products. Then, do some more research of your own to get all sides of the story.
As for the MLM opportunity, follow the FTC’s suggestions and give the available information a thorough read through. Don’t skip over the “fine print.”
Read the terms and conditions, too. Set up a meeting with a promoter in your area to talk about their experience with the company. Find out if they’ve had any problems or if they’re making the amount of money they expected to.
NeoLife Alternatives
The best NeoLife alternative we can think of is to follow a healthy diet. Make sure you eat a diet that includes lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean protein. Avoid eating processed foods that contain added sugar and salt.
If you’re unsure of what you should be eating and how much to eat, talk to your doctor. He or she may refer you to a dietician for assistance.
However, if you’d still like some support from nutritional supplements, some alternatives to NeoLife are:
- Activated You
- Daily Greens
- Fitteam Global
What Users Are Saying
“I buy these for my mother. They really help a lot with her knee pain.”
“I really love Neolife product, it builds my immune system and gives a brighter skin.”
“Great source of calcium and D3 vitamin.”
The Bottom Line on NeoLife
After all the research, our bottom line on NeoLife products is that it has some pros and some cons. We like that the ingredients are natural. We also like that NeoLife provides information about some of the science behind their products.
However, we do have some reservations. Some of our concerns are:
- The possible side effects some of the NeoLife products may cause are uncomfortable and unpleasant.
- Some of the NeoLife products contain 10 grams or more of sugar, which is more than a health product should.
- The cost of NeoLife’s supplements is quite high, putting it out of reach of some consumers.
If you’re looking for clinically-proven weight loss, we have a suggestion.

I am an experienced financial analyst & writer who is well known for his ability to foretell market trends as well.