Will I have the same hair after the change as when I was younger?
No, that’s not it. While the results can be amazing and improve your skin tone, the patient may not achieve the same level of density as when he was a teenager. The key is to achieve maximum results in front of the scalp and behind the hair, creating the illusion of fuller hair. What is follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and how is it different from follicular unit extraction (FUE)? The replacement hairs in the follicular space are transplanted into natural clusters of 1-4 hair follicles as they grow. A set of donor hair is removed from the patient’s “safe area” by removing and cutting the device. Then this area is closed with stitches, leaving a scar that will not be felt under the hands of a wise surgeon.
Is there a way to prevent hair loss?
Yes. Finasteride (Prophecies) and Monoxide (Rogaine) are the two drugs most commonly prescribed to slow or stop hair loss. Finasteride is only available by prescription for men and should not be used or given by women because it is known to cause pregnancy. It has been shown in clinical studies that there should be no hair loss and Hair transplant clinic can be regenerated. Monoxide (Rogaine) is available in men and women without the drug. It is a cosmetic application and can be applied by rubbing it into the scalp twice a day. New hair can become frizzy and thin. The best competitors for Monoxide are those under 30 years of age with less than 5 years of hair loss.
How much and how much of my hair gives results?
Obviously, you need the best from your own hair for transformation. The more hair follicles you have. Square centimeters of the scalp, the more nutrients the hair has. Since coarse hair is thicker than straight hair, it can be replaced with less hair. Grafting, in providing more services. Fine hair has small eyes and can give a pretty face, but is less protective than coarse hair. Curly and curly hair provides better visibility and can cover thinner areas better than straight hair, while providing greater coverage.
When will my new hair start growing?
Immediately after the transplant, new hair grows back, but falls out within three weeks. Approximately 25% of the hairs in the transplanted follicular cells will be visible within 3-4 months and will become visible over time.