Distance love letter: Express what you feel in 2021!

If for any particular circumstance you are estranged from a person you love very much at the moment, what you need immediately is a love letter from a distance ! Nothing better to show your feelings than …

Distance love letter: Express what you feel in 2021!

If for any particular circumstance you are estranged from a person you love very much at the moment, what you need immediately is a love letter from a distance !

Nothing better to show your feelings than some beautiful words that reflect everything that is in your heart.

You can choose many ways to send your message: by email, by WhatsApp, publish it on your social networks or, if you can and prefer, send it by traditional mail.

So do not hesitate, write your own love letter from a distance or choose one of these that I now show you and send it to that special person in your life, be it your boyfriend, your husband or even your friend.


If you don’t want to spread your message too long, this short distance love letter is perfect for you.

If you want to use your own words, coming out of your inspiration, be sure to also discover how to write a love letter .

My love:

‘ve told you that I love you so many times that at this point I don’t know if you believe me … and you should.

The time that I am with you is not enough for me, the kisses you give me seem few, the hugs very short … but none of this has to do with any disability of yours; on the contrary, I am the nonconformist, because when it comes to you always, always, I am going to want more, I am going to want everything if you can give me everything.

You know that you have the key to my heart, I give it to you this and every day (because it is not only today when I am in love with you), so that you can always open, so that you can always enter, so that you always have a place here, with me, and, above all, so that you always come back.

Yours in the distance



If you and your boyfriend have been forced to separate during a time in which the relationship continues despite the space that distances you, nothing better than a long distance love letter to tell him everything you feel.

My life:

My love transgresses borders to reach you.

Even if it is only through these letters, here I send you all my heart, so that you always have it in your hands. His care, his protection and keeping him beating strong for this love that we have for each other will now depend on you.

I die of nostalgia at times for your departure, but I live happier than usual almost always because I know that I have your love and you have mine, because I hope that sooner rather than later we can finally be together the two of them again.

Most of the time I would like to have wings so I can fly to where you are and give you all the love I have in store waiting for you. But I know that we have to know how to be patient and trust that what destiny brought together nothing and no one will be able to separate it, much less this cruel distance that is now between us.

I have so many plans for our future together! Right now the only thing I think about is taking you by the hand and going for a walk without direction or time to return, only with the pleasant sensation of the heat of your skin in contact with mine, and the certainty that everything is going with you. be fine.

But my dreams will come true, the day of our meeting will come, and our wishes will be fulfilled, I have no doubt, because there is no other way out of this love than being together.

Meanwhile, here you always have your girlfriend loving you and wanting to shorten this distance with just a few lines, even if only for the moment you read them or I write them.

A huge kiss from your biggest love,

Your girlfriend.


Distance love letter: Express what you feel in 2021!

Distance love letter: Express what you feel in 2021!

If for any particular circumstance you are estranged from a person you love very much at the moment, what you need immediately is a love letter from a distance !

Nothing better to show your feelings than some beautiful words that reflect everything that is in your heart.

You can choose many ways to send your message: by email, by WhatsApp, publish it on your social networks or, if you can and prefer, send it by traditional mail.

So do not hesitate, write your own love letter from a distance or choose one of these that I now show you and send it to that special person in your life, be it your boyfriend, your husband or even your friend.



If you don’t want to spread your message too long, this short distance love letter is perfect for you.

My love:

I’ve told you that I love you so many times that at this point I don’t know if you believe me … and you should.

The time that I am with you is not enough for me, the kisses you give me seem few, the hugs very short … but none of this has to do with any disability of yours; on the contrary, I am the nonconformist, because when it comes to you always, always, I am going to want more, I am going to want everything if you can give me everything.

You know that you have the key to my heart, I give it to you this and every day (because it is not only today when I am in love with you), so that you can always open, so that you can always enter, so that you always have a place here, with me, and, above all, so that you always come back.

Yours in the distance



If you and your boyfriend have been forced to separate during a time in which the relationship continues despite the space that distances you, nothing better than a long distance love letter to tell him everything you feel.

Here’s one that may help you, but you can also try making one yourself if you first investigate how to tell him that you miss him .

My life:


My love transgresses borders to reach you.

Even if it is only through these letters, here I send you all my heart, so that you always have it in your hands. His care, his protection and keeping him beating strong for this love that we have for each other will now depend on you.

I die of nostalgia at times for your departure, but I live happier than usual almost always because I know that I have your love and you have mine, because I hope that sooner rather than later we can finally be together the two of them again.

Most of the time I would like to have wings so I can fly to where you are and give you all the love I have in store waiting for you. But I know that we have to know how to be patient and trust that what destiny brought together nothing and no one will be able to separate it, much less this cruel distance that is now between us.

I have so many plans for our future together! Right now the only thing I think about is taking you by the hand and going for a walk without direction or time to return, only with the pleasant sensation of the heat of your skin in contact with mine, and the certainty that everything is going with you. be fine.


But my dreams will come true, the day of our meeting will come, and our wishes will be fulfilled, I have no doubt, because there is no other way out of this love than being together.

Meanwhile, here you always have your girlfriend loving you and wanting to shorten this distance with just a few lines, even if only for the moment you read them or I write them.

A huge kiss from your biggest love,

Your girlfriend.


If you want that special person in your life to spend a long time thinking about you, do not hesitate to send him this long distance love letter , which is full of romance!

My love:

Every minute that passes I feel closer to you, because every minute that passes, despite this heartless distance that now separates us, brings us much closer to the moment of meeting again, the moment of being together again, the moment of to hug and caress each other again as we could some time ago.

The circumstance that we have to live in these moments is true that it is very difficult, but that does not mean it will be impossible for both of us to overcome. The love we have for each other will give us enough strength, and patience, to overcome this obstacle that now stands in our way, that now stands in our destiny together.

Many people have told me that this love in the distance has no solution, that it will only cause us to weaken and finally separate. But I do not pay attention to what many may say.

What do they know about what you and I feel? What do they know about this love? What do they know about what we can endure and what we are willing to do to stay together, to meet again, to continue walking hand in hand?

And how can I find it impossible to be with you again? How can I not believe that our paths will be one again? How can I think that our love will be weakened by this distance that now separates us? If every morning when I wake up my thought is only one, the image that comes to my head is always the same: you.

You are only on my mind every second of all my days. And at night, when I am not the owner of what I want to think, when I do not direct my subconscious, at night you also appear, to dream, this time asleep, with you again, with our next meeting, with our love.

I never thought it would be my turn to face a challenge like this, to be separated from the person I love the most in the world. But I also never thought to love the way I love you, I never thought I would have the strength to move on and fight because we will see each other again, because this time we will definitely be together forever.

And it is that your love gives me the strength to carry on. Without that I would not know how to endure so much loneliness that I carry inside, because even though I am surrounded by people I always lack the most important one, I always lack you.

Love can make us suffer a lot, but it can also give us the greatest joy of our lives. Now we have had to live a part that carries a bit of pain and suffering implicit in being separated.

But I know that soon, sooner than we expect, we will be able to overcome this barrier of distance and be the happiest people on Earth, even if no one else, and only you and me, know it and have the certainty of it.

Be patient, my good, and wait for me a little longer. Be patient and never lose faith that we will be together again, that our love will triumph and this enormous obstacle we will be able to overcome.

That will only happen if we are together through our soul, if we decide to be together in the future, if we want with all our might to continue loving each other and then fight for this love that unites us.

Soon all this will have happened and it will be nothing more than the story of what our love was weaving. Soon there will only be a memory of this circumstance that kept us apart.

Soon we will be able to tell everyone about the hardest test that distance has put us. And soon, very soon, I will be able to hug you again and tell you in your ear how much I love you and how much I need you to be able to live.

I miss you, but I trust that love is stronger and we will finally be able to be together.

Always yours, even if thousands of kilometers separate us,

Your beloved.


The sacred bond of marriage transgresses spatial boundaries. So do not hesitate to show him how much you love him with this letter to my husband , or send him this love letter in the distance that I now propose:

My husband:

I trust that you are thinking of me right now, and if not, after these lines you will undoubtedly have me in your mind for a while, before diving back into your usual routine away from me.

We have been through so much together, good and bad. And it is incredible sometimes that our love has managed to survive, has emerged and has kept us strong enough to face life. But it cannot be otherwise, because when you truly love as we do, there is no circumstance in the world capable of appeasing that love.

Now we are separated and it is perhaps the hardest test we have had to face since we met. The days and nights seem to be eternal, waiting to see you again, to have you in my arms, to feel your skin again.

But I know that it is only for a time, I know that it is necessary and I know that we will overcome this difficult test and that our love will come out of it intact, or perhaps much stronger than before.

I have so many caresses in store for you! So many kisses are accumulating on me that when we meet again I will not give you a chance to even speak. I have a hug on pause, stopped, just for when you are very close to me again.

Do not despair, my sun, do not decay, do not lose faith. Sometimes life takes us in unexpected directions, but these paths that now seem so distant only lead us to the same end, to the same destination: to be together again and forever.

Everything will pass and faster than you think, and soon, very soon, I will be able to tell you very closely this that I am writing to you now: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

Yours forever waiting for your return,

 your wife who adores you.


A long distance love letter to dedicate can be the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel. The one that I show you below, can be ideal to express your feelings for that boy, or also this letter to declare my love to a man .

Love of my life:

There are days when I miss you much more, when I need you close. Today, for example, is one of those days. I’ve been thinking and thinking about you all morning, and when I get like this, many things come to mind.

Who are you? I wonder at this hour. I do not know you, I am terrified to think that you are a stranger to me, a total and complete stranger … but I want so much to meet you! That appeases all the fears you may have.

I want to know every detail of you, I want to know your hobbies, discover those routines that make you return to even the simplest things something sacred and special.

I want to decipher what you think before saying a word, making us communicate just by looking at each other, that we understand what each one feels without having the need to speak.

I want to be able to identify the different ways you have to laugh and what causes that laugh. I want to know you to such an extent that I get to know everything that makes you angry, and the different scales of that anger.

I want to know what worries you or saddens you, and to be able to make you smile even in the worst moments, to make you forget, even for a second, the problems that overwhelm you, to make you come out even if you are in the background. darker hole.

I want to know what makes you vibrate, what makes you live, what turns you on, what point in your body makes you shudder. I want to know your tastes, your wildest or most absurd preferences, and your deepest hatreds. I want to know what you dream, what you want, what you want and hope to achieve.

I want to be able to recognize your voice among thousands of people speaking at the same time, identify your steps even if they don’t see you coming, feel your presence even if you are far away, far away… every little detail, however small, I want to know it.

I also want to share every detail of me, if you agree, of course. I want to share each experience lived and those that are to come. Show you the colors that my eyes see. Learn things together. To be able to share my space with you, my things, my books, my melodies, my crazy things … I want to make you participate in every second of my life without this becoming an burden for you, because I want to be part of yours as well and a very important part, wait…

A waiting kiss that I want to give you at all times and always loving you,



The love for a friend who is far away can be reason for you to send him a love letter from a distance . Show him how strong is the friendship that lasts regardless of time and space through these lines:

My friend:

It seems that it was yesterday when we met, although I cannot remember the exact moment, nor can I know, no matter how much I scrutinize my brain, how we managed to become friends.

There have been so many and so many moments shared! The memories I have now are so good!

It has been wonderful knowing that I can always count on you and offer you my hand so that you can take it whenever you need it. It really has been magical knowing that I have your shoulder whenever I want to cry, that your strong arms will hold me if I am going to fall.

But only now do I realize how much you miss me. Only now can I really perceive the great emptiness I feel when you are not there. Only now that you are far away, that this distance separates us in a mean way, is it that I can feel how much I love you, how much I need your company, how much I wish I could share our adventures together, our secrets.

You don’t know how I feel these days, you don’t know the loneliness that invades me every hour. It’s like a piece of me has been taken, because a piece of me has gone with you.

This love that I have for you, this great love and affection that I feel for you, will not be erased simply because you have left.

Perhaps the way we communicate will change. We may no longer be able to hug or wipe each other’s tears with a handkerchief. But what we can do is keep in touch, and keep hoping that one day we can meet again.

Because now, wherever you find me, I know that I have a friend in another part of the world, I know that I have a friend that I can trust, I know that I have a friend in the distance whom I love with all my heart and that each Even though it is far away, it will be more present than ever

A hug from

your friend who loves you.

If what happens to you is that you have fallen in love with your friend, that you feel something much stronger than a friendship, but he has gone away, the best thing is that you immediately learn how to conquer a friend and send him this love letter remote :

My friend:

I remember that morning we met. It’s been some time since that, but the truth is that we became friends and that feeling has lasted for many years. What I could never imagine is that that feeling would be stronger and stronger and that now that you are far away I would dare to confess to you what I have been able to decipher in my heart.

I never thought this would happen to me. I never thought something like this would come up between the two of us. But the truth is that this friendship and it has expanded in my heart to reach limits that not even I knew existed.

I had not realized the love I feel for you. I had not realized that in my heart, more than a friend, you have become the man with whom I want to share my days.

Only with this separation, only after you have left, only after you have moved away from me, have I understood the need you make me and I have understood, once and for all, that this love that I feel for you is a friendship sincere, but it’s also the deepest love I’ve ever felt.

I am in love with you and I had not realized it. I am in love with you and the trigger to finally notice it was for you to move away from me.

I do not know if it was the closeness, I do not know if it was the touch, or the affection that you have shown me so many times. But the truth is that my heart has blossomed love for you.

I don’t know if you feel the same, I can’t imagine what’s going through your head right now. But I had to tell you. Perhaps this distance was what prompted me to do it. Perhaps face to face I would never have dared and concealed this strong feeling that is in my heart.

I do not pretend that you feel the same, I do not pretend to force you, because it is impossible, to reciprocate this love.

I just want you to give me an answer, I just want you to think a bit and find out if the same thing happens to you. If not, at least I would like to continue with this beautiful friendship that has united us. I, for my part, will try.

I love you and I miss you so much, in every possible way,



I know it can be difficult to be in a relationship and not be able to be with that guy because space separates them. It is normal that you feel dejected at times and very sad, and it is not bad that you let your partner know with a letter for a long distance love like this one that I propose.

My special recommendation is that you also know the pros and cons of long distance relationships  so that your relationship works well.

My love:

These days that we have spent together have been wonderful, but even before you left I was already beginning to miss you.

These days I have felt like in the clouds, wanting not to get up in the morning from bed, for fear of losing the dream that having you with me has represented, that we are together, to extend one more second if possible being hugged with you, your smell, your voice, your skin …

I am no longer satisfied. A week, a fortnight, a month … I’m not satisfied, I don’t want there to be a time limit, I don’t want to think while I’m with you that we have to part again. I know that it is difficult and that there are things that are not in our hands, but I am not satisfied. I know that the time has not been short this time, but it will always be insufficient for me.

I love you, however repetitive it becomes, I will not tire of saying it over and over again, because those two words that seem very simple summarize the greatest thing I have ever felt, and even then they cannot cover it.

Sometimes even words are short and empty of meaning, sometimes it is not enough to repeat phrases like that over and over again because sometimes a silence or a look that lasts seconds far exceeds the meaning of those words …

For you, then, the best of looks, the best of our moments shared in silence, and the most sincere I LOVE YOU of all that I may have told you so far and of all those that I will tell you.

Remember that I am always with you even though we are far away, I am always there, next to you, but in body, at least in soul and thought, just as I always carry you with me and you are here.

The usual kiss, with nostalgia circling my heart and missing you a lot.

Of your love

Any of these that I have shown you here can be the best love letter from a distance , and it does not matter that it is not your own inspiration, we are here to help you!

You just have to choose the one you prefer and send it to express all your love to that special person who is far from you.