Jessica Alba (Jessica Alba), known for his “Shanghai” and “Fantastic Four” series, posted some hairstyles of her daughter Honor on her family’s Instagram.
▲Jessica Alba (left), the honor of her daughter (right)
Jessica Alba’s Instagram (jessicaalba)
Jessica challenged her first “DIY hairstyle” at home, but the spread of the new coronavirus infection continues to limit her outings.
The eleven-year-old eldest daughter Honor needs to take a photo to go to school.
The video shows Jessica’s commitment to honor’s hair styling.
Jessica, who cuts hair, said: “I recently cut Honor’s hair at home and took a photo at school. I also respect the hair stylist!” report.
Aruba’s Instagram (Jessica Aruba)
A full five-minute video posted on his YouTube channel shows that Jessica is care fully trimming her reputation hair based on phone advice from hair stylist Jen Atkin.
There are also scenes where he cut his fingers with scissors. He explained step by step, such as blowing hair with a hair dryer and styling with irons.
At the end of the video, the 11-year-old second daughter Heaven also appeared.
Jessica’s husband and film producer Cash Warren married in 2008. The eldest daughter of Honor, the second daughter of Heaven and the two-year-old eldest son Hayes (Hayes) were married.
Jessica has been an actress since she was five years old and made her debut in the “Summer Camp/Summer Camp” in 1994.
Since then, in James Cameron’s “25th Kiss” (1999), “Idol Hand” (1999) and the TV series “Dark Angel” (2000-2002), there are 1,200 Bit. People are drawing attention.
I shot the hero brilliantly from the inside and suddenly became a star. Since then, he first appeared in the movie “Dance Revolution” (2003), and produced “Shin City” (2005), “Super Power Unit” (2005) ) And “Valentine Day” (Valentine Day) and other major works. “(2010. Appeared.
Other major appearances include “Walk into the Blue” (2005), “Eyes” (2008), “Meet Bill” (2008), “The Killer in Me” (2010), “Jessica A Ruba” and so on.
Aruba’s “Formula of Happiness” (2010), “Spy Kids 4D: World Time Mission” (2011), “Mechanical: World Mission” (2016), etc
[Click here for Jessica Alba’s Instagram]
[Click here for DIY haircut video]
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