I utilize my phone every day.
This is a response to “A Day Without Screens: Uncovering Me, Myself, & iPhone.”
I have to give credit to the author for going a day without checking his phone. That is something I would never do, even if I try. My phone is tie with some of the work I do. I use my phone to keep up with my social media content for my @quotesforyourpoject, @womenvotersproject, and my pageant Instagram account @missmarylandpetite2023. Plus, I use my phone to keep up with what’s going on with the world, stay in touch with old friends, create new friendships on social media, and find new opportunities that I can take on. It’s hard to live without my phone.
I used to have a flip phone back in middle school and beginning of high school. I’ve only used it for phone calls and texts. If I wanted to get on social media, then I could go on to my own iPad or laptop to do that. Once I got my first Android phone with different apps on there, the rest was history. I was hooked with my own phone since then. Once I’ve started college, I got my very first iPhone. Right now, I currently own an iPhone 11. I have to say that I at least have over 30 apps on it with over 3000 pictures and videos, which I’m still cleaning up.
Whenever anyone finds me on my phone, I’m usually on social media apps the most, especially Instagram and Tik Tok. I use those two apps to create content the most and look through to see what everyone is up to and what’s happening in the news. Also, for anyone who knows me, I tend to check my emails a lot. I usually get over 100 emails per day from two email accounts that I have combined, which one is for personal stuff and the other focuses on college/volunteer stuff. I usually try to respond in a timely matter but sometimes I either don’t feel like it or I’m burnt out. However, I try to respond to people when I can, especially for those who need me.
Nowadays, you won’t find me without my phone. I can’t get go on one day without it. However, I can set healthy boundaries with my phone so I can focus on other stuff more like exercising or writing this article. Whenever I’m working or cleaning up my room, I like to play my favorite music from my phone. I’m still working setting healthy boundaries with my phone. It’s going to take some time since I still use my phone before bed and first thing in the morning. And I often check it during my breaks. But I know having my phone with me at all times would save me one day during an emergency, which I won’t take it for granted.
I know we cannot get rid of phones. They are now integrated into our everyday lives. I utilize my phone everyday to get a sense of what’s going on, to continue to volunteer virtually, and create content. Plus, I do like to listen to music from my phone so I can focus on work better and finish assignments.
As a society collectively, we still have long ways to improve our relationships with our phones. Hopefully, we start more conversations around the topic of our relationships with our phones. Maybe one day, I’ll take a break from my phone and face what life has to offer more for me.

Odyssey has been the lead content writer and content marketer. He has vast experience in the field of writing. His SEO strategies help businesses to gain maximum traffic and success.