The greater than or equal to symbol is used to represent inequality in math. It tells us that the given variable is either greater than or equal to a particular value. For example, if x ≥ 3 is given, it means that x is either greater than or equal to 3. It defines a range of values that x can take which starts from 3 and goes up till infinity.
What Does Greater Than or Equal to Mean?
‘Greater than or equal to’, as the name suggests, means the variable is either greater than or equal to a particular value. The term ‘greater than‘ is used to express that one quantity is greater than the other quantity. The term ‘is equal to’ is used to express that two quantities are equal. When these terms are combined with each other they make a new term that is Greater Than Or Equal To and this term is used to show that, the quantity or amount value limit could be equal to or greater than the given limit.
For example, for a person to be elected as president he or she should be a minimum of 35 years old. This means that a person should be either greater than or equal to 35 years old.
Greater Than or Equal to Symbol
The ‘Greater than or equal to’ symbol is used in linear inequalities when we do not know whether the value of a variable is greater than or equal to a particular value. It is expressed by the symbol ‘≥’. This symbol is the ‘greater than’ symbol ( >) with a sleeping line under it. The sleeping line below the greater-than sign means ‘equal to’.
Here are a few examples for ‘Greater than or equal to’.
- x ≥ 100 means the value of x should be greater than or equal to 100.
- a ≥ – 2 means the value of ‘a’ should be greater than or equal to -2.
Greater Than or Equal to Application
The ‘Greater than or equal to’ symbol is used in mathematics to express the relationship between 2 expressions. The following table shows where and how the ‘greater than or equal to’ symbol is used along with examples and meanings.
Symbol | Example | Meaning |
Greater than or equal to, ≥ | x ≥ 2 2 ≥ x ≥ −1 |
The value of x is greater than or equal to 2.
The value of x is between -1 and 2 inclusive of both values. |
Greater Than or Equal to Examples
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