Forklifts are essential for all material handling businesses. We are talking about machines that are used every single day, every single minute. Acquiring the right one for your business can mean less downtime, fewer disruptions and more productivity. But most importantly? Personnel that will be working under the best conditions – always confident, always SAFE.
That’s right, we said trilemma. Time to clarify: 1. Diesel 2. Electric or 3. Gas Forklift? Which is the most fitting solution for your business? It means taking a close look at your needs and the points below to make the best decision for your business.
The cost of acquisition is always the first decision we think of, but other important elements must be also considered. Operational and performance needs, the ease of use, each workspace’s restrictions (indoors vs outdoors just to name one), the time of use during each shift; and lately, even more modern and timely issues, like sustainability and environmental concerns.
- Diesel
Diesel forklifts are large and powerful machines, designed for outdoors use. Trucks apt for rough terrains, they can operate optimally under difficult weather conditions and can go on working longer without running out of fuel. Diesel forklifts are also easier to park as they don’t require specific parking conditions and there is no need for battery charging stations. Their acceleration capabilities and lift speeds are superior compared to their electric counterparts, but diesel machines have also some drawbacks and limitations that must be taken into account.
They are noisy machines, which is not a problem when used outside, but could be very harmful when operated indoors. Serious communication difficulties might appear. Diesel forklifts are so loud that workers possibly won’t hear each other when coming around corners or when working in blind spots.
They also emit toxic, harmful greenhouse fumes that will affect the air quality of the workspace and the environment in general. And if indoor use is to be exceptionally realized, the company has to use safety procedures to eliminate carbon monoxide. This is why special training is needed when they are to be used in warehouses or other enclosed spaces.
- Electric
Electric forklifts are not a late discovery! They have been here with us long enough. Lately though, their use has been constantly increasing. They are compact machines, usually smaller than diesel forklifts. Their size and maneuverability make them an excellent solution for indoor work sites (tight spaces, aisles, blind spots and corners are spatial factors to be taken into account). Electric trucks do not emit any toxic and harmful exhaust fumes, something that renders them friendly not only to their operators but to the environment as well. They are easier to handle because their operation doesn’t need a clutch and they are also an economic solution because their use does not depend on the rising prices of fuel. And because they have less moving parts prone to damages or breakdowns, maintenance is typically less of a concern. Finally, the lower noise level will make an enclosed workspace a safer and breathable place.
Although their benefits are clear and multi-faceted, these machines have also some drawbacks.
They can operate in a somewhat limited radius. Even if there is no need for re-fueling, we must not forget the charging needs (and replacement) of their batteries. Operators must wait until the battery is fully charged, something that at times might affect productivity rates. Apart from that, battery and charger costs will make the initial investment somewhat higher. Another important issue we must not forget is that these machines have specific parking needs and require special space conditions, as battery charging stations must be set.
We can easily conclude that electric forklifts are an excellent option for indoor work sites and for those with a great concern for environmental issues. So, in case an electric forklift meets all your needs, don’t think it twice; you won’t be disappointed and neither will the environment!
Last but not least, Gas forklifts! They can either be Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) or Petrol Gas. They can be used both indoors and outdoors and with time they are becoming more eco-friendly, safer and more affordable. They require less upfront expenses than their electric or diesel counterparts.
Propane is not comparable to electric zero emissions but still, is a fairly clean energy source and gas forklifts, as we have already said, can be used in enclosed spaces (just make sure there are no beverages and food in the premises). Performance-wise, they have more power and torque when compared to electric forklifts and their moving speed, lift speed and acceleration are usually higher than diesel forklifts. Another significant advantage is that a propane engine can be operational for twice as long as a diesel one, generating less maintenance costs.
As any type of forklift, gas forklifts don’t come without some disadvantages…
The repair and maintenance costs of gas machines are higher than diesel or electric. In terms of fume and environmental concerns, they expel Hydrocarbon particles. Their operators must be specifically trained on the propane handling (the danger for a driver to get injured just by lifting a propane tank is a possibility). Extremely low temperatures may cause mechanical issues and sometimes visibility can be limited because of the tank location. A greater amount of space is required for fuel storage (even if LPG must be stored outdoors) and finally, in the future, propane prices are expected to increase.
To sum it up; be it diesel, electric or gas, after a thorough assessment of your business’ needs and knowledge of the market you will be able to acquire the equipment you need. However, cost is always an issue and upfront expenses might seem somewhat hostile to your budget. There is always a lease plan at reach, tailored to your needs, that will guarantee top-quality, up-to-date, new- refurbished or used, ready-to-operate forklifts. Your business horizons will only be brighter with such flexible and agile solutions.

Some of us get to do what we love & a fascination with healthcare & a competitive spirit in business into the role of Program Manager of Healthcare at the Meridian Group.