Chemical engineering is a career that will boom soon. With the amount of climate change and recent pandemic situations we’re seeing, it’s essential to shift from our usual way of living to eco-friendly and renewable energy sources. That is why chemical engineers are the need of the future. Considering the future scope of chemical engineering, it’s not a bad idea to consider a chemical engineering career.
Chemical Engineering Career
As discussed above, a chemical engineering career will be bright and full of prospects. If you’re considering being a chemical engineer, take a pause and then jump to the idea. If you started working for this career, you’d be good to go for the rest of your life. Let’s look at some of the options in a chemical engineering career.
Chemical Engineer
You’re asked to turn the raw materials into their usable counterparts in chemical engineering. This is one of the most obvious career paths in a chemical engineering career.
You’ll be in charge of the product’s design and development, with a focus on harnessing raw materials (such as oil) and altering their chemical state to create items for the general public (like plastic).
Here are some jobs for chemical engineers that you can consider:
You will be developing skills in the following sector if you go for chemical engineering:
- Energy
- Pharmaceuticals
- Food and Beverage
- Water Treatment
- Oil and Gas
Apart from that, new and growing industries such as nanotechnology and biotechnology are creating a slew of new job prospects for chemical engineers.
Salary Prospects:
The salary prospect of chemical engineering is pretty good considering that chemical engineers are paid a reasonable amount. Their annual salary is around 9-10 lakh.
Energy engineer
Your main task in being an energy engineer will be to produce and manage energy from the extraction to the processing level of natural resources like oil and gas. However, owing to the global demand, you will also be required to use your expertise in producing renewable or clean forms of energy like hydro-powered energy, wind energy, and even solar energy, which is currently on the rise in India.
Types of jobs for energy engineers:
Here are the types of jobs for energy engineers:
- Constructing an improved process of extracting energy
- Energy manipulation to meet electricity needs
- Machine designing and testing
- Research on clean and renewable sources of energy
Petroleum engineering
Petrol is an essential part of the living world. Due to such a high need for petrol, petroleum engineers are very much in-demand right now. If you’re looking to make a career in engineering, petroleum engineering will be a great choice, considering the pay and the scope of the profession in the coming years.
Types of jobs for petroleum engineers:
Petroleum engineers are involved with all stages at a petroleum plant, from analysis to production. Therefore, there are different areas you can work in:
- Drilling experts
- Production engineers
- Petroleum geologist
- Reservoir experts
Nuclear engineer
Nuclear engineers are used to running or controlling nuclear plants. It is also an in-demand profession considering the need for nuclear plants in most parts of the world. Choosing a career in nuclear engineering is one of the wise choices if you’re interested in technology.
Types of jobs as a nuclear engineer:
In a nuclear power plant, one can work in the following posts:
- Operator of reactors
- Project Manager at the plant
- Quality Engineer of the plant
- Safety and health manager
Product and process management engineer
Making a product from scratch with fine texture is one of the jobs of product and process management engineers. Products like cars, bikes, racer cars, etc., are the work of art of engineers and are one of the skyrocketing careers in the world. This area of management needs the outstanding talent of art and engineering. That is the only way you are going to succeed in this field.
Product and Process Development scientists are required to bring a similar input level in their work. In addition, their job description includes streamlining the production or the process of a product to make it more economical and efficient.
Product development scientist Jobs Types:
While there are numerous industries you can join (everything from healthcare to aviation requires process and product scientists), the two different paths you can select are:
Product Scientist:
One is in charge of product development and works alongside a team for new scientific breakthroughs.
Process Scientist:
One who manages the streamlining of activities that lead to product innovation or creation, along with straightening the process of invention, which requires a high-quality product that can be mass-produced.