Glowing skin is something we all want, some of us more than others, but every man or woman wants to look good, so having glowing skin that looks healthy and vibrant is a plus for everyone.
Your skin is your body’s largest organ. Protection and care are not only key to radiant, glowing skin, but also to your overall health. cbd kaufen Avoiding skin cancer is a challenge today.
I am a male and have been feeding my skin the antioxidant-rich Camu Camu Berry Vitamin C Serum for many years and I have transformed the condition of my skin. The camu camu berry has the highest vitamin C content of any plant and vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants.
I ignored my skin for most of my younger years. Growing up on the beach in Southern California, getting burned in the sun, then working construction as a young adult further damaging my skin from sun exposure and toxins. When I was in my mid-thirties, my skin didn’t look good. She was parched, wrinkled prematurely, and I was a candidate for early skin cancer.
I used to use sunscreen and suntan lotion, but then I discovered they were filled with toxic chemicals that are now turning out to be carcinogenic in their own right. I realized that if I was to preserve my skin and avoid skin problems and possibly skin cancer, I had to put a strategy in place.
After years of neglect and exposure to intense weather, sun, and chemicals, I had a grand task ahead of me to restore the health and appearance of my skin. I wasn’t really trying to look younger or even have glowing skin, I just mainly wanted to have healthy skin.
I would like to say that now at 61 after many years of consistent effort and attention I have all three. My skin is healthy, glowing and I look much younger than I did at my age.
I’ve achieved this in large part by using natural botanical products every day. Camu Camu Berry C Serum is the most powerful antioxidant product that I use alongside a moisturizer, a silica scrub to remove dead skin, and Sangre de Drago (Dragon’s Blood), an Amazon rainforest botanical with incredible healing and anti-inflammatory abilities . Although the Camu C Serum contains some Sangre de Drago, I add extra pure Sangre and mix it with the Camu C Serum.
The Camu Vitamin C Serum is by far the most important product I have found. Your skin is made up of cells, and each cell needs to be nourished with nutrient-rich natural organic compounds. To maintain glowing skin that is healthy and vibrant and stays that way as we age, you need to provide your skin with a constant supply of antioxidants.
My wife has also used the same products and strategies and had success too, she is a year older than me and looks 25 years younger than she actually is.
As a man, I know that I belong to a minority of men who care and take care of their skin. It is not part of our societal programming to cannabisöl cbd take care of our skin. This way of thinking can be a big mistake. Glowing skin that is healthy and makes you look younger will benefit you in all walks of life. Not only women have to take care of their largest organ, but also men.
Organic, plant-based natural products like Camu Camu Berry C Serum are essential for long-term skin health and for preventing skin cancer and other skin problems.
Little known health benefits of vitamin C
Most professionals recognize vitamin C as one of several effective and also very reliable solutions designed to fight the common cold, cardiovascular disease and other symptoms related to the inadequacy of natural immunity.
Using a potent vitamin C serum, or even a natural powder, can save you from a number of unwanted medical issues, increase your body’s recovery effectiveness, and make it easier for you to resist less common conditions that the nutrient can help with, like stomach issues and even oxidative trauma caused by a handful of possibilities.
The benefits of vitamin C
Regardless of whether you use vitamin C from natural blueberries in addition to food or perhaps vitamin C serum, you will find that it has so many benefits that it can also offer you direct relief through a developed common cold shield with far-reaching consequences related with prenatal health problems.
Here are some of the spectacular additional benefits that this important vitamin can bring when taken correctly:
- While there is currently no significant evidence that vitamin C can actually reduce the risk of catching the common flu, there are studies that suggest it may reduce the duration and intensity of a number of common colds .
- The use of a vitamin C serum only for use on facial skin is particularly well known for helping to treat various types of facial skin-associated factors, since facial skin’s natural ability to hydrate trauma from ultraviolet rays sun to prevent and reduce fine lines and prevent sagging skin.
- Many researchers consider it an excellent restorative product for cuts as the product plays a very important role in the production of collagen – a good and necessary protein responsible for enhancing the rejuvenation of muscle tissue.
- Finally, on top of that, protection against serious problems that can include cardiac arrest and even cerebral vascular accidents, mainly by dilating the capillaries and promoting blood dilation.
Lesser Known Factors
When thinking of the best vitamin C serum along with powder solutions, for example camu camu, many health professionals say current research studies point to other impressive benefits that people don’t really know.
Some of these take into account an all-natural vitamin C serum’s ability to reduce DNA cell degradation along with inflammatory fluctuations that are usually very closely associated with cancerous tumors, adding to the impressive exercise benefits that also caused by physical exertion than smoke-induced oxidative damage.
As a final point, another lesser-known property of dietary supplements and additionally vitamin C-rich foods is the ability to significantly cbd hanföl eliminate the physical presence of a bacterium known as Helicobacter Pylori: this is said to definitely increase the threat of various intestinal diseases and perhaps stomach cancer.
Camu Camu: A real vitamin C leader
Considered the naturally derived tree that uses the optimal recognized concentration of the specific vitamin, camu camu is better than the best vitamin C rich foods you can find.
Many supplements based primarily on the camu camu shrub contain 60 times more vitamin C than a tangerine and are known to be quite high in vitamin antioxidants and in some cases capable of boosting the immune system, enhancing your emotional well-being and acting in many cases as an impressive method of combating diseases such as hepatitis and genital herpes.
This exceptional vitamin C giant is actually inexpensive in addition to being all natural and organic while providing you with all the many beneficial properties your vitamin possesses.