If you ask people about the chemicals in cannabis, most people will tell you about THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). They do not know or remember any other chemical found in hemp. The reality is that there are hundreds of chemical compounds in hemp. Most of them fall into the category of cannabinoids or compounds related to cannabinoids. Marijuana contains dozens of terpenes, flavonoids, and various other natural chemicals. Some may have been researched, and we expect that they may turn out to be very important in medical terms.
One of the difficulties facing medical researchers is that hemp, unlike traditional pharmaceuticals, contains several potentially active ingredients. Decades of bans have left most of the cannabinoids barely researched. Moreover, little is known about how cannabinoids and terpenes can enhance the effects of each other. This phenomenon is called the entourage effect. Overall, markets are full of CBD products, and many people show their interest in these products. Almost all these products are packed in CBD sleeves packaging on which all the instructions, benefits, and ingredients are mentioned.
Moreover, the synergy of many simultaneously acting cannabinoids is greater than the sum of their effects taken separately. The ability of terpenes and cannabinoids to suppress or amplify each other’s respective medical effects is another complicating factor in medical research. Here, it is necessary to mention that the experts conduct research on only one pharmaceutical composition and leave other chemicals for some time.
Here are some chemicals that are considered very important along with CBD and THC in the hemp plant:
CBG (cannabigerol)
It is considered the mother of cannabinoids that spawned a whole family of chemicals.
All cannabinoids are synthesized in nature from a starting point. Cannabigerol acts in its role. It is also called CBG or the “mother of cannabinoids“. In particular, for this reason, the appearance in the future of varieties with a high concentration of CBG is of increased interest.
The process of biologically converting CBG to other cannabinoids is scientifically complex. The synthesis of cannabinoids requires a variety of enzymes, metabolic pathways, and transformation processes. All it happens automatically in the hemp plant. Different strains produce different cannabinoids at different concentrations. If you buy feminized cannabis seeds from a good breeder, you can opt for high varieties in CBD or THC. It is hoped that varieties with a lot of THC and CBG will soon appear. It is possible that cannabinoids are isolated and used as separate chemical compounds. Maybe science will confirm that cannabinoids work well, complementing and even amplifying each other’s medical effects.
The Effect of Cannabinoid Compounds on the Human Body
Amazingly, back in the eighties, the scientific world did not understand how cannabis had affected the human body. After all, what have decades of prohibitions and neglect on the part of scientists led to? To the fact that no one understood why marijuana had affected him. Nor did anyone understand why cannabis was such a versatile and effective multipurpose medicine. People believed that hemp interacted in some way with cells and cell membranes. As a result, the person is poked. But it is not clear how. It was not until the early eighties when humans were discovered to have the endocannabinoid system and specialized cannabinoid receptors, that there was an initial understanding of the remarkable interaction between the body and cannabis.
Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 and CB2
It is necessary to understand how our body responds to cannabinoids and cannabis.
The discovery in the nineties of human endocannabinoid receptors was a real scientific breakthrough. For the first time, there is a scientific explanation for how cannabis interacts with the human body. Instead of the imprecise theory that cannabis affects cells, a clear understanding of the structure of the CB1 and CB2 receptors has emerged. They serve to bind to cannabinoid compounds present in the blood. Moreover, mammals, fish, birds, and reptiles also have such receptors. It suggests that hemp may have played a significant role in ancient times, long before the ancestors of these animals were divided into different types.
Are there any other Cannabinoid Receptors in the Body to Discover?
Some research papers suggest that scientists may eventually announce the discovery of new, previously unknown cannabinoid receptors. That being said, new theories can be expected about what happens to cannabinoids in the human body and how they are absorbed. In addition, it will be possible to find out the scope of their use in medicines. Scientists still have a lot of work to do to get a complete picture of how the human body absorbs and reacts to cannabis. There may be some hemp receptors in the body, which are high time to discover since the scientific world cannot answer many basic questions related to what happens to cannabis in the human body.
However, there may be the possibility that some CBD custom boxes have no such instructions. In that particular case, your awareness is necessary. If you do not know much about these products, consult the experts or buy only those products on which instructions have been given.
I am currently serving at CBD Packaging Store as a digital marketing associate. Where I put all of my efforts into my team to obtain maximum results in my profession.