The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

In any developed nation, their military is divided into three major units, the navy, the army and the air force. The navy handle the water, protecting the country from threats that could come by sea …

The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)

In any developed nation, their military is divided into three major units, the navy, the army and the air force. The navy handle the water, protecting the country from threats that could come by sea or ocean waters, the navy is on land and the air force handle aerial surveillance and quash aerial threats. The RCAF is no different and is part of the Canadian Armed Forces and the National Defence. It defends and protects Canadian and North American airspace in partnership with the United States. There is much more that you might not have known about the Canadian Air Force and this article will help you out with that.


As the name suggests, the Royal Canadian Air Force is the arm of the Canadian Armed Forces that defend the country’s airspace. The RCAF in partnership with the US also oversees the security of the North American continent. It also contributes to international peace and security. Today, there are more than 100 different occupations within the Air Force, providing members with amazing career opportunities as well as personal growth. The Airforce, like the Army, has everything a military officer would need, access to good jobs, amazing pay, great living and travel to great places all over the country and the world.

  1. Jobs: the RCAF produces some of the most diligent and skilled pilots and aircrew in the world. Opportunities go far beyond those occupations, however. Choose from a variety of jobs in different fields including Aerospace Telecommunication and Information Systems Technician, Musician, Bioscience Officer, or Construction Technician. Time on the job is also given to ensure you are physically fit, allowing you to lift weights, play sports, participate in Martial Arts, or a multitude of other healthy living activities. Every base, unit and wing has a variety of both team and individual sports for athletes of all kinds
  2. Pay: pay for members in the CAF is dependent on their pay group, rank, and time in rank. All service personnel, men and women, married or single, are paid on the same scale. Talk about equality, right? A private that has just joined can earn $35,820 annually, increasing to $60,168 when they reach the next rank of Corporal. Speciality pay for certain occupations can increase potential earnings beyond those numbers.

3. Living: the CAF ensures you and your family are looked after. When you first become a Member and enter basic training, accommodation, meals, training, and a liveable wage are provided for you while you become accustomed to military life. Upon leaving basic and entering the workforce, you will receive guidance and assistance for the transition to your designated posting location. As it is for the rest of your military career, when work requires you to move, the CAF covers the costs. Healthy living plays a major role in the life of airmen and airwomen. With resources for nutrition, physical and mental fitness, physiotherapists and sports medicine specialists, and stress management programs, the sky is the limit when it comes to a healthy and active lifestyle in the Air Force.

4. Travel: like every other branch of the military, members of the Air Force are bound to be moved or posted to a variety of locations within Canada and all over the world. The most common posts in Canada are Bagotville, Quebec; Cold Lake, Alberta; Comox, British Columbia; Trenton, Ontario; and Greenwood, Nova Scotia. As a member, you also have the opportunity to live and work internationally in countries such as Belgium, Germany, The United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and The United States of America

The one thing that the Air Force can brag about over the Navy and Army is the women in the Air Force. Among their allies, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are highly regarded as being at the forefront of military Training gender integration. Women can enroll in any CAF occupation, which includes operational trades, and serve in any environment. In all trades, CAF men and women are selected for training, promotions, postings, and all career opportunities in the same way – based on rank, qualifications, and merit. Presently, women serve on several global operations ranging across the spectrum from peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance operations to stability and security and peace-enforcement operations.

Major Prabhakaran poses for an environmental portrait with the CC130J Hercules aircraft in Kuwait on JTF-I Operation Impact to support recruiting. Photo taken on September 18, 2019 during sunset.
Image by:Corporal Ryan Moulton, JTF-I PA Image Tech KW11-2019-0048


Women have continued to break down barriers since the Second World War and their numbers have only grown especially in the Air Force. The Department reviewed the recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women in 1971. This way the Air Force raised the ceiling of 1500, and employed more women even to non-traditional areas, like vehicle drivers and mechanics, aircraft mechanics, air-traffic controllers, military police, and firefighters. Today, women serve on several global operations ranging across the spectrum from peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance operations to stability and security and peace-enforcement operations.

PORTRAIT Environmental DE : / Environmental PORTRAIT OF:
Rank/Grade: Cpl
First Name/Prénom: Charlanne
Surname/Nom: Sarrazin
N/M (3 dernier)/S/N (last 3):
Initials/Initiales: CMK
Current Position/Position actuelle:
Unit/Unité: 3EMA
Trade Name/Nom de métier:
Post-Nominals/Initiales honorifiques:
Photo Par: Caporal Gary Calvé
Technicien en imagerie Bagotville.
/ BN07-2019-0565-002


Some of the careers related to the Airforce that are in demand include Aerospace Telecommunication and Information Systems Technician, Aerospace Control Operator, Aerospace Engineering Officer, Air Operations Officer, Air Combat Systems Officer and Aerospace Control Officer. There are many other careers in the Armed Forces that can be applied whether in the Navy, Army or Air Force. They include Medical Officer, Financial Services Administrator, Pharmacy Officer, Human Resources Administrator, Chaplain, Legal Officer, Cook, Medical Technician, Nursing Officer, Firefighter, Health Care Administration Officer, and of course Pilot, among many others. With the correct qualifications, be sure to apply for a career in the Royal Canadian Air Force and enjoy much more than just a career in the skies

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