Ever woken up in the middle of the night with a fever and the chills and a stomach ache so bad you feel like throwing up? You may take a paracetamol or two and hope to feel better by the time morning comes around but in reality, you feel even worse when you wake up again! There’s no way you can make it to work in this condition, so you drop a text to your boss telling them that you’re taking the next two days off to recuperate, but to your surprise, he/she asks to see a medical certificate for you to get paid for your time off. Now, you’re forced to get out of bed, get dressed and drive down to your nearest GP, wait to be seen (which can often take up to an hour!) and finally walk out with the medical certificate you’re expected to present, all while sick and possibly contagious.
Now imagine if after texting your boss, you could have simply changed screens and after quickly speaking to a doctor online, received both your medical certificate online AND a diagnosis and prescription for your condition, all in a matter of minutes! Wouldn’t that be ideal? With online healthcare apps now becoming more and more popular, it’s no longer a dream!
What is online healthcare?
As the name suggests, online healthcare refers to an alternative way of accessing medical care for problems that do not require an in-person examination. Many conditions fall under this umbrella, including several respiratory illnesses like asthma and emphysema, common flu or cold, hayfever and allergies, and other common illnesses such as a stomach bug, conjunctivitis, UTIs and more. Online healthcare is also frequently used by those with chronic illnesses to manage their disease, such as those with diabetes, hypertension, cholestrol problems and high blood pressure.
Benefits of Online Healthcare
Studies have shown that over 83% of people who chose an online medical consultation over the course of the pandemic reported positive outcomes and would likely choose telehealth for a consultation again if offered. Here’s why the rates of approval of the service are so high in Australia:
After-hours care
For parents and those with full-time jobs, it can be hard to take the time out to visit a doctor. For many people, especially casual workers, taking time off often means loss of income, something not everyone can afford. After-hours care allows you to get in touch with a registered doctor even after most clinics are closed, offering greater convenience.
Speaking of convenience, the reason why so many people love online consultations is the convenience tehey offer. Common conditions such as the cold and flu or a stomach bug rarely need medical intervention and usually resolve themselves within a few days with just some rest and adequate hydration. However, most workplaces require a medical certificate if you’re taking more than two days off work, in which case you’ll have to go through the hassle of visiting a doctor when you should be resting. Instead, with online medical consultations, you can simply login to their website and select the certificate you require and it will be sent to you via email in a few minutes.
Many people mistakenly believe that a service such as this would be more expensive than simply driving down to a GP and get the medical consultation. In reality, a video consultation with an online doctor, including a prescription and certificate costs no more than $30, which is much lower than a standard doctor visit. Additionally, these services also have some bulk billing doctors on board, which means your online appointment will be fully covered by Medicare.
For people living in remote or rural areas of Australia, easy access to a good doctor is not always possible. Online healthcare services allow you to get quality medical care when you want it without having to travel hours to get it. With online medicine, patients are no longer limited to their location, but can get in touch with a doctor anywhere in Australia whenever they want.
Another major reason why people choose to avoid doctor’s rooms is the amount of time you’re expected to wait to be seen, even with an appointment. Unfortunately, it can be quite impossible for a doctor to guarantee that they’ll see you right at the time you booked, as it is out of their control to determine how much time each patient is likely to take. Online consultations, on the other hand, can almost always guarantee that a doctor will be available to see you when you need them, owing to the number of doctors they have registered with them.
Finally, another reason why having a live chat with a doctor is so beneficial is that it protects you, the other patients at the clinic as well as the healthcare staff from transmitting diseases to each other. Many people have skipped appointments for their chronic medical condition during the pandemic because they’re afraid of picking up the virus from such a high-risk setting. Online appointments allow immunocompromised patients to stay on top of their health without any risk.

Marta Jordan is a professional writer & blogger, who writes for a variety of online publications and loves working with words of all shapes and sizes.