A few years ago, I smoke one pack of cigarettes and one-half day. I didn’t enjoy the experience, but I wasn’t averse to it to the point that I was able to make any changes. I was aware that there were toxic chemicals in cigarettes that could cause illnesses. It wasn’t until an elderly man of wisdom was able to talk to me. He was able to see me that Monday morning in front of the Smoke Shop Vancouver that was in the neighborhood, smoking my breakfast smoking cigarette. It was a cold, cold morning when this gentleman approached me.
I could smell the breath that was coming out of his mouth when his words were spoken. He spoke to me for a short conversation, but I’m not sure of the exact details, but it was like this “Boy I have been coming to this donut shop for 10 years now. Every morning I see you out here smoking that cigarette like it is the last breath you are going to breathe. When my wife died 5 years ago, I realized that life is too short. Every day you have used is a day gone. You will never get that day back to you. Make every day like it was your last and tomorrow will be judgment day.” Then he left. I never saw the man I once knew. However, his words profoundly changed my life.
Since then, I’ve retired from my low-wage job and have become a full-time consultant for myself. I teach people to become motivated and to attain what they want from life. One of my areas of expertise is helping people begin an entirely smoke-free lifestyle. I quit smoking the day this wise old man offered me his wisdom. I began a new way of life in a whole new way. Check out what happens when people want to alter things in their lives individually. The thing that most people don’t understand is that every piece of your life is interconnected as a piece of the pieces of puzzle.
The theory of lifestyle Changes says, “A single factor or attribute in a person’s lifestyle is interconnected to the person’s self-image. You cannot change on the outside what you cannot see on the inside.” The theory could be applied to those who are starting their new smoking-free life.
There is a need for a plan to make changes to the correct factors in your life to be smoke-free. I’ll give you an idea. Two of the significant elements to consider when being smoke-free:
- Your thoughts inside
- Your social group
Your inner thoughts can have an enormous impact on your personality and the things you’re doing. If you have a positive self-image and are certain that your actions are working for you, then it will be effective for you. Another aspect of the process of becoming smoking free is your social circle. Your friends will perform either of the two options. They’ll either be supportive of the change, reject your choice, or support you to make the change. You’ll want to hang with those who will assist you in navigating the changes. Kitssmoke2snack.
I am Blogger as well as Digital Media Manager and SEO Specialist last 10 years