There is no doubt about it: dogs definitely know how to sleep. The amount of time spent napping varies from dog to dog, depending on the dog’s age and personality. Counting naps and longer snoozes, most dogs sleep about fourteen hours a day.
Why do dogs sleep so much?
No one knows why dogs sleep so much. The amount of sleep an animal needs depends on its species. Horses and cattle may sleep only three or four hours a day because they need long periods of grazing to provide enough food for their bodies. Bats and opossums may sleep closer to 20 hours.
Different breeds of dogs also seem to have different sleep requirements. Some very large breeds, such as Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, and Mastiffs, spend most of their lives sleeping – perhaps as long as 16 or even 18 hours a day. For this reason, they are often called “mat dogs” because they are always lying in front of the fireplace, like a giant furry fireplace mat.
Dogs sleep more than we do, but they wake up more often than we do. The time and duration of their sleep depend on the level of activity in their environment. Dogs that live at home as pets may sleep more than dogs that work for a living, such as a search and rescue dogs or dogs that work on farms. Dogs are lucky – they are able to adjust their sleep patterns so that they stay awake when there is something to do and fall asleep the rest of the time.
Of course, today’s modern indoor dog will sometimes sleep out of boredom. You can help your pet by providing plenty of stimulation during the day – this can be toys, companionship or time to walk and play with you. If he has enough to do during the day, he may stay awake when the sun comes up and sleep at night while you do.
Picking a Dog Pajama
Just like you, your dog needs a pajama top to make him look like your family member.
Normal dog sleep patterns
Dogs have the same sleep patterns as humans. When your dog first falls asleep, he goes into a slow wave or quiet stage of sleep. He lies quietly, oblivious to his surroundings. His breathing slows, his blood pressure and body temperature drop, and his heart rate drops.
After about ten minutes, your dog enters a rapid eye movement (REM) or active sleep stage. He rolls his eyes under his closed eyelids, he may bark or whine, or he may pull hard on his legs. During this stage, brain activity is similar to that seen in humans during dreaming and is evidence of dreaming in dogs.
According to Heararound experts, adult dogs spend approximately 10 to 12 percent of their sleep in REM sleep. Puppies spend more sleep time in this type of sleep, which certainly compresses a lot of the newly acquired data.
Where dogs sleep
You may think your dog will sleep anywhere, but some dogs are very picky about where they sleep. In the wild, dogs sleep in dens, and your dog may seek a sheltered place in your home, such as under a bed or in a closet. Before he settles in, you may notice your dog hovering or scratching with his paws in the area where he sleeps. This is to create a comfortable, den-like depression to sleep in (even if it doesn’t make much of an impact on the short pile carpet).
You can make a cozy bed for your dog, or choose from a variety of plush beds available at pet stores. Some people like to snuggle up to their dogs at night, and there’s no doubt that dogs like to share their beds with their owners. Advocates of this approach say it strengthens the human-canine bond – not to mention the comfort and warmth your dog can provide you. However, some animal behaviorists say it can disrupt a sometimes unstable hierarchy because the dog may develop the illusion of arrogance. In other words, he may think he is higher on the social scale of your family than some other family members. For some of these characters, four on the floor may be the order of the day.

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