Security Control Systems | Door frame metal detector manufacturers in India

Door frame metal detector manufacturers: A DFMD is an security instrument which Door frame metal detector the presence of metal. The Metal detectors are useful for locating metal hidden within objects and  metal objects buried underground. Door …

Door frame metal detector manufacturers:

A DFMD is an security instrument which Door frame metal detector the presence of metal. The Metal detectors are useful for locating metal hidden within objects and  metal objects buried underground. Door frame metal detector manufacturers in India. The biggest technical change in detectors was the events. Door frame metal detector manufacturers in India.

Door frame metal detector manufacturers in India

This technique involves two coils that are electrically balanced:


  • Low Cost Walk Through For Weapon Detection:
  • Quick Installation, No Training Required
  • Frame Includes Walkthrough Foot Ramp
  • Automatic Zero Adjustment
  • Dual Power Mains/ Battery, In-Built Charger
  • Ignores Metal Outside Frame
  • 9 Levels Of Sensitivity And 9 Levels Of Alarm
  • 10 Step Bar-Graph Indicator
  • 3 Level LED Indicator For Low
  • Medium And High Level Of Alarm
  • Piezoelectric Beeper For Indicators Of Metal
  • Optical Sensors Used To Avoid External Disturbances
  • WALK And STOP Indicators To regulate Traffic
  • Detects All Metals, Alloys And Ferrites
  • Low Field Strength
  • No Effect On Pacemakers And Magnetic Media
  • SMPS Power Supply
  • Works From 90V To 270V With Full Function Battery Backup


Door frame metal detector

The Door Frame Metal detector technology was detect to screen airline passengers. Mining metal detectors housed during a large cylindrical pipe were wont to make a billboard walk-through security detector. This eventually led to the event of the oblong gantry, now standard at airports.

Smaller hand-held metal detectors are then wont to locate a metal object on an individual more precisely. DFMD’s are designed for top throughput with fewer unnecessary alarms. While personal items like keys, coins, belt buckles and eyeglasses can undergo without causing an alarm.

Dfmd Security Types:

Dfmd Security improve screening efficiency and cuts of operating costs. Multiple zones of detection allow the precise location of concealed weapons to be pinpointed. During an ensuing manual search, security personnel can immediately target the thing , or objects, that created the alarms.

A significant provisions of level various zone innovation is its capacity to effectively separate between small handguns and innocuous items. The hardware is also, which proposes that weapons or booty can’t be passed, slid or thrown through the locator undetected.


1. Traffic Counters: 

DFMD’s are currently worked with shrewd and for all intents and purposes imperceptible traffic counters which are coordinated inside the loop boards. Counters are bi directional with an abatement mode. Cautions, individuals and alert rates would all be able to be counted.

3. Remote security management: 

Door frame metal detector security data can now be viewed at the desktop.

4. Collect Statistics:

Statistics are often summarized, shared by email and printed in easy-to-read reports.

5. Monitors Passenger Flow: 

Approved staff can see the traffic and alert levels of the DFMD‘s that are associated with the organization. The view gives you a quick generally speaking look of lines with high traffic, helping one to raised send assets.

6. Monitors Security: 

DFMD’s are currently worked with shrewd and for all intents and purposes imperceptible traffic counters which are coordinated inside the loop boards. Counters are bi directional with an abatement mode. Cautions, individuals and alert rates would all be able to be counted.

7. Other Applications:

DFMD’s are designed to Metal detector door both Ferrous & Non Ferrous Metal detector door. With higher affectability they will be used in the Jewelry producing units to prepare for pilferage. They’re likewise conveyed in assembling and dispersion offices to watch little, important resources.

Factors To Think About When Evaluating A Door frame metal detector (DFMD):

Uniform Detection: pick a locator that gives uniform identification all through the entire district. The discovery reaction from an ineffectively planned customary finder will not be direct. The recognition reaction from a particular metal item will shift since it is helped through various areas of the entryway.

Electrical and interference: they will play havoc with their performance and sometimes render them unusable. flickering fluorescent light tubes, computer monitors, two-way radios, etc. it’s advisable to check the DFMD within the location where it’ll eventually be installed.

DFMD Types: 

It should even be possible to detect the target regardless of its orientation. DFMDs that are utilized in commercial and industrial purposes. Generally pertinent in inns, air terminals, shopping centers, multiplexes and different public visiting regions.

For more info:

Door frame metal detector,Door frame metal detector manufacturers in India,Door frame metal detector price in Delhi,Metal detector door,Metal detector gate,Dfmd,Dfmd security,Dfmd full form, security control systems