How can you remove rubber bands from cute color braces without getting them stuck on your braces color wheel? There are several different ways that are both quick and effective. Read below to learn how you can quickly remove rubber bands from your braces without causing harm to your teeth or mouth!
1) Use Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol can help you easily remove rubber bands. The best thing about using rubbing alcohol is that it will not harm your braces color wheel. Just dip a cotton swab in some rubbing alcohol and rub it on where you want to get rid of those pesky rubber bands. Then, all you have to do is wait for a few minutes and then remove them with your fingers. When removing them with your fingers, don’t pull too hard, just break apart lightly so that they don’t hurt you when pulling off. Another method using rubbing alcohol would be after rinsing your mouth out with water, apply some onto a cotton swab and rub it over where there are rubber bands on your braces until all traces of them disappear.
2) Put on Soap
Soap is usually what most people think of first when it comes to removing rubber bands. Rubbing or scrubbing your teeth, gums, and braces with soap will help remove any residue left behind by a rubber band as well as help clean off any stubborn food stuck in between your teeth. Simply wet your toothbrush and soap up your mouth! Rinse thoroughly. If you have sensitive teeth or gums, skip using soap directly on them and simply use toothpaste on a brush instead.
3) Try Lighter Fluid
Flammable fluid? Yes. Gross? Absolutely. Effective? Probably, assuming you can get past that part. The lighter fluid should loosen and separate those pesky rubber bands so they’re easier to pull out of your mouth (and off your teeth). Soak a Q-tip in lighter fluid and use it on those rubber bands (it’s probably not going to taste very good, but better than being stuck with a bunch of rubber bands in your mouth). Don’t forget: You’ll need a way to light that Q-tip as well. Make sure you don’t get any lighter fluid on your braces or it could end up getting stuck!
4) Use Shaving Cream
Shaving cream is an easy and effective way to remove rubber bands. However, you should be careful not to use too much because if it gets into your mouth or your eyes, it can cause irritation. Using a few drops of shaving cream on a cotton swab, rub in gently around rubber band. Let sit for about 10 minutes and then wipe away excess with a wet cloth.
5) Grind Them Down
Grinding rubber bands down is a classic way of removing them, but it can be tricky—you don’t want to grind your braces down or dent your tooth. You should also only do it with bands you no longer need. It’s best not to grind a lot of bands at once; save it for those that make it really difficult for you to eat and drink. Grind down one band just enough so that you can remove it easily, then remove and dispose of it before grinding another. If you choose to grind your rubber bands down, be sure not use an electric sander as these often overheat and could melt your braces or damage your gums.
6) Use Ice Cubes
The outside of your braces have rubber bands connecting them, so ice cubes are a great way to remove these bands. The ice will chill and shrink your braces, which in turn will make it easier for you to slip off unwanted rubber bands. Place a small cup of water in your freezer and wait until it freezes completely. After removing the band you can throw away or reuse it. Make sure that you don’t freeze too many at once because there is a chance that they can stick together or become too cold for your mouth and cause harm if used improperly. It is recommended that no more than 2-3 cubes be used at once. The larger brace with rubberbands should be removed first because it may take longer time for them to defrost as compared to smaller brackets..
7) Toothpaste
If you are brave enough (and old enough) you can use a small amount of toothpaste. Toothpaste contains compounds that work as abrasives, removing dirt and stains on your teeth. Apply directly onto rubber bands and let it sit for a few minutes. Rub toothpaste over bands with a soft bristle toothbrush until they are clean. Rinse well with warm water.
8) Slide Off Against Wood
When you need to remove a rubber band quickly and efficiently, try sliding it off against a piece of wood. This trick usually works best with darker colored rubber bands, but it’s also very easy. Simply grab your rubber band and rub its ends against any hard surface with a rough texture like wood. The friction will warm up your rubber band and make it easier for you to slide off when you let go of it. Be careful not to burn yourself or anyone else around!
9) Heat Them Up in the Microwave
Heat up your rubber bands in a microwave for one minute. The heat will loosen up any stickiness or adhesive on your braces, making it easier to get them off. There’s no need to buy special heating equipment; a bowl or a mug will do just fine. Just make sure you don’t set anything directly on your brackets and that you place something between them and anything else in your microwave (e.g., paper towels) so you don’t cause damage. Use another person: If you have someone at home, ask them to help by pulling one side of a rubber band as you grab it with tweezers on the other side.