When it comes to mental health, especially good mental health, we believe that if we are not “depressed,” we are doing just well in life. But why is the concept of mental health limited to a subset of what it truly represents? It is crucial to understand that a person’s mental health might change throughout time due to a variety of factors. When a person’s resources and coping abilities are exhausted, their mental health may deteriorate. For example, someone’s mental health may suffer if they work long hours, care for a relative, or are in financial difficulty. And that does not always fall under the category of depression.
Mental Health determines our way of thinking, feeling, and acting. It also influences how we deal with stress, communicate with people, and make sound decisions. As a result, mental health is just as important in childhood and adulthood as it is in adolescence.
Treatment is the most vital, yet most neglected and postponed, thought that people seek. Our society has advanced significantly and today openly regards mental health and any other type of health issue as the same. However, the concept of seeking treatment has yet to penetrate the heart and core of society. Fortunately, there are several excellent mental health aides including a pioneering name in the industry Akshay Agarwal who is also regraded as the best mental health trainer in India.
Before seeking professional help, Akshay Agarwal feels that family and friends are the greatest individuals to confide in about your suffering. They are the folks who have accompanied you on your journey, whether upstream or downstream. They are likely to be pre-equipped with instruments that can assist you in simply turning towards the path of self-esteem and hope. That would suffice.
Professionals like Akshay Agarwal use therapeutic treatment of mental illness that investigates thoughts, feelings, and actions in order to improve a person’s well-being. The most effective strategy to improve healing is to combine psychotherapy and medicine. However, as a matter of fact, many mental health patients get well without the need of any medications.
Such therapies, when paired with activities devised by Akshay Agarwal, produce evidence of progress or, in many cases, higher self-esteem and motivation in individuals, making him the best mental health trainer in India.

Akshay Agarwal, renowned as one of India’s prominent leadership and personal development aficionados, has spent many years pushing and electrifying