For the fix any type of the mistake on your credit report or credit reference agency to ask to update it. If any mistake impacted again, your credit score should improve again. For this you are often confused that how to clear bad credit record. There are the following some instructions that you must keep in to mind to maintain the record of your credit card.
Incorrect information
This is very important to the regular check your credit files & report for any type of the mistakes you have or credit reference agency.
You can check your credit report for free along with the member only platform creditability. This does not matter how many times you check this.
You make sure that any incorrect information is updated by your lender. There are the lender typically use your credit report to ensure that your information in your application is accurate.
Any missing information can also affect your credit score such as, if you have a well-managed account but this is not showing on your credit card. You have to bear in mind that every new account takes a few weeks to show up on your credit file.
Remove error from credit report
When the information is incorrect, you can follow the following steps to remove the error from the credit card.
If you spot a mistake on your credit card report, you should double check your records to make sure that this is very genuine error.
Your first port of the call is to your lender who has the reported the information. Before, you contact them to gather all the paper work as the evidence.
Clear payment on time
This is most important thing that you need to consider is to keep making payments & communicate along with creditors. You should try to little bit more then minimum installment every month & the money from other paid off debts as you go.
Maintaining old accounts
You don’t need try to use the new account. You should always use the old accounts. The old accounts can increase your credit utilization ratio & lower your credit available credit. The new account always loose the points on your credit score then improving your credit score always take the several months especially in to the new, always try to maintain your old card.
Double check claim results
There are the lots of reporting agencies & lenders usually take just very short time to help you out how to clear bad credit record. If they make decision, they must notify you within five days. They will also inform you if they find anything bad into the credit card.
If the information disputed, the professional company must delete & update all the information. They should include the free copy of your file if the dispute result you find anywhere.
You need to the correct the error & make the initial claim. Moreover, you should also include additional documents for the support & this can also include evaluate any data that is might be missed. Hopefully, the above instructions provide you great help to maintain history of the credit card.