The Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast is one of Elden Ring’s more difficult boss encounters. To be victorious, follow our advice.
Elden Ring’s Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast is a Field Boss. It is found at the summit of Mt. Gelmir. Its appearance is daunting, but the boss battle with the beast is as difficult. This creature, built of gravity rocks, has a lot of health and can withstand a lot of physical strikes. It takes a long time to defeat it.
The boss’ assaults force the player to be continually moving or they would be slammed into the ground. To face the boss, you’ll have to climb multiple torturous ladders to the top of the mountain. All you need to know about Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast is right here.
Charlene Maria Teressa updated this page on May 25, 2022: The Fallingstar Beast, honed from a strong, meteorite-like shell and skilled in the usage of meteoric sorceries, is ruthless in its attacks. The Fallingstar Beasts of Altus Plateau and Caelid have been included to this guide.
Fallingstar Beast in Full Grown Form
On the Atlas Plateau’s Mt. Gelmir, the boss can be found. Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite, which is right below the boss’s arena, is the closest Site of Grace. The boss is difficult, but buy Elden Ring runes is optional; if you are having problems, you can return to battle it later. It has no bearing on the game’s outcome if you don’t battle it.
Fallingstar Beast Jaw, a fun Colossal Weapon, may be obtained by defeating the monster. It has a one-of-a-kind ability that allows cheap Elden Ring items to fire a lightning bolt. This spell has a quick cast time, so you can spam it on bosses to break their posture and cause a lot of damage. You’ll also receive a Somber Smithing Stone [6] and five Smithing Stone [6] which are needed for weapon upgrades.
Beasts of Fallingstar
Although Mount Gelmir’s Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast is unquestionably the most difficult to defeat, don’t underestimate the Fallingstar Beast’s skills. In The Lands Between, there exist two Fallingstar Beasts. One can be found in a crater on the left side of the western entrance of the Capital Outskirts, directly across from Perfumer’s Grotto. The other is in Caelid’s Sellia Crystal Tunnel, which is accessible via a transporter’s trap in Dragon-Burnt Ruins.
Because this boss is formed entirely of meteorite, it is immune to all forms of physical damage, including Bleed, Poison, and Scarlet Rot. It also possesses a razor sharp, extending tail that you should be aware of because its range is incredibly dangerous. The abnormally long horns on either side of its head can not only be used as a melee weapon, but they can also shoot rocks out of the ground. But don’t worry, there are several flaws that can bring this beast to its knees, which we’ll go over in the Battle Strategies section below.
Attacks of a Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
For an optional boss, the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast boasts one of the most diverse attack sets. It also has a second phase in which its attacks are not only improved, but new ones are added as well.
Battle Strategy for the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast
For this battle, there are two basic strategies:
Fallingstar Beast is a tough opponent. It has a high tolerance to all sorts of physical damage, so most melee classes will cause less damage to it. It is suggested that all players take advantage of the boss’s vulnerability to all types of elemental damage. You can utilize both Placidusax’s Ruin and Dragon King’s Cragblade special skills to deal heavy Lightning damage to the monster if you return after defeating Dragonlord Placidusax.
Even if you’ve been using bleed weapons for a long time, you can’t rely on them now. This is due to the boss’s immunity to hemorrhage. The boss, on the other hand, is not immune to Scarlet Rot, thus you can use numerous breaths of Rotten Breath to inflict the status effect on it. If you’re confronting the boss alone, this isn’t a good idea because you can get struck by strikes during the breath animation. While battling the boss with another online player or Spirit Ash, this may be avoided.
Wide-ranging strategy
Because the boss is vulnerable to Magic, Fire, and Lightning, ranged players have an edge. This allows Mage and Faith Build players to focus on bringing fast-casting, high-damage spells. Mages should use Rock Sling and Great Glintstone Shard since they are quick Sorceries. Fortissax’s Lightning Spear, Flame of the Fell God, and Lannseax’s Glaive are good spells to utilize if you have the Faith Build.
Spirit Ashes and Torrent are also available to spellcasters. While you travel around Torrent and cast spells, summoning a Spirit Ash with a high health will let the spirit to attract the boss. Being on Torrent will help you to easily avoid the majority of attacks. However, if your timing is off, some attacks, such as the Rolling Ball, become more difficult to avoid. Concentrate all of your attacks on the boss’s skull, which is his weak area. The boss will take more damage and will lose its stance more quickly as a result of this.
Attacks of the Fallingstar Beast
If you do not evade in time, the Fallingstar Beast’s attacks have the potential to one-shot you. Here is a complete list of all the Fallingstar Beast’s attacks, from tail whips to head rams.
Battle Strategies for the Fallingstar Beast
When it comes to battle strategies, there are two options you might follow. The Fallingstar Beasts have a long range and deal a lot of damage. However, because one is in open ground and the other is in a cave, the latter will have a more difficult time due to its lack of mobility.
Strategy for Melee
Compared to ranged opponents, going near to the Fallingstar Beast is extremely dangerous. However, certain weapons, such as the Meteoric Ore Blade +6, prove to be the boss’s Achilles heel (found in Caelid Waypoint Ruins). It’s especially good against the Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast, but it’s also good against the Fallingstar Beast boss. You need also use the Bloody Slash Ash of War, The Sword of Night and Flame (Caria Manor), and Bastard’s Stars against this boss (attainable after defeating Astel, Naturalborn of the Void).
Against this boss, we recommend summoning a tanky Spirit Ash summon. If you’re a tank, you should definitely utilize the Mimic Tear. However, if you’re going for a sorcerer build, Lhutel the Headless or Kaiden Mercenary scaled up to a +9 is a good choice. Also, Opaline Bubbletear can help you avoid taking damage, and Rowa Fruit can help you keep Torrent alive during the Altus Plateau battle.
Wide-ranging strategy
Ranged strategists typically take a certain amount of space to cast, yet this boss can reach that distance in a shockingly short amount of time. As a result, donning Opaline Bubbletear for extra defense is recommended. It is vulnerable to elemental damage when it comes to sorceries, from Ancient Lightning Spear to Agheel’s Flame. Rock Sling, Cannon of Haima, and Greater Glintstone Shard are also useful.
Again, tanky Spirit Ashes, such as those indicated for melee combatants, are recommended.

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