At a time of change like the current one, it seems that there is a window of opportunity for the electric bike to be much more popular and to end up consolidating itself as a common means of transport in many of our trips. The electric bicycle gives us the balance to combine exercise and become our vehicle because, the great inconvenience in these cases, is arriving sweating and this is the great advantage of the electric impulse, minimizing the efforts.
But it is not the only area where they are becoming more popular. In a world where electric vehicles are gaining ground, these bicycles are conquering space as cargo vehicles but, above all, in sports fields. It is clear that they have come to stay.
Electric bicycles, a growing sector
The figures in the sector speak of the good reception of e-bikes, which in the next five years is expected to triple their sales. In Spain, the Association of Brands and Bicycles of Spain (AMBE) has already pointed to the electric bike as a lifesaver for the sector. The electric bicycle democratizes the practice of sports cycling. It is no longer necessary to be in optimal shape to go up a mountain with our group of friends or do a long route that we would not do otherwise.
The best-selling electric bike categories are mountain and trekking bikes above urban ones, wherein in France in 2018 65,000 and 63,000 units were sold respectively. Electric bicycles already account for 13% of total sales in that country.
The legislation of the electric bike
The e-bike will be affected by the same rules as the rest of traditional bikes. That is, in the city the use of a helmet is not mandatory, not on interurban roads and roads. They will not be able to circulate on the sidewalks, unless they are specially indicated for it, and they must circulate on the road like other vehicles. In this sense, if the DGT finally ends up pacifying traffic by promoting the speed limitation to 30 km / h on one-way streets, the bicycle as a means of urban transport could have a new impulse.
You also don’t need a license to drive, as would be the case with a moped. But it is essential to know the highway code, road signs and, of course, respect them like other vehicles. The bicycle must have a white front light and a red rear light whenever it is traveling in low light conditions or at night. In recent years, the DGT has issued an instruction to allow the rear light to blink so that the bicycles are better identified.
Insurance is not required. In this sense, the European Parliament voted in 2019 in favor of excluding electric bicycles from this obligation, provided that their motor does not exceed 25 km speed in assistance or a power greater than 250 W. From this speed, the motor power should be disconnected.
Nor do they have to pay road tax on mechanical traction vehicles, since they are not homologated to them. Of course, in the event of an accident if we do not have said insurance we will have to take care of the damage caused to a vehicle or a pedestrian, as the case may be, by our own means.
So far the regulations are more or less common to any bicycle. In the case of electrics, the specific one that affects its electric motor and the limitations imposed by pedaling assistance must be added. In this case:
bicycles with assisted pedaling, equipped with an auxiliary electric motor, with a maximum continuous nominal power of 0.25 kilowatts, whose power gradually decreases and is finally interrupted when the vehicle speed reaches 25 km / h, or earlier if the cyclist stops pedaling.
The bicycles must be approved by the Ministry of Industry, in accordance with standard UNE-EN 15194: 2009. In the case of having an accelerator similar to that of a motorcycle, which allows starting the march without pedaling, they will be considered mopeds. The same happens if your motor exceeds 250W or pedaling assistance does not stop when reaching 25 km / h. In this case, it is necessary to register the vehicle and a license is required to drive it, in addition to having insurance.
Types of electric bicycle batteries and autonomy
As in any electric vehicle, batteries play a very important role when choosing them. To begin with, we would have to see if we are looking for a bicycle with removable batteries or that is integrated into the frame. The main advantage of the former is that we can take them with us if we park the bike on the street and recharge them at work or at home; a more comfortable way than having to take the bike to our home. In this way, autonomy is not so important and we can bet on lighter bicycles as they have less battery capacity.
If we prefer that they be integrated into the frame, aesthetically they will be more concealed. It would be the option most similar to a conventional bicycle, regardless of the type chosen, be it a folding, urban, or mountain. We will practically not notice the difference, beyond a greater weight and the assistance selector that we want to apply.
When choosing, it is essential to look at the recharging cycles that the battery allows and how easy it is to replace it in the future. Especially if we plan to do many kilometers with this vehicle – as would be the case when commuting to work – the more recharge cycles, the better the endurance.
If we run out of battery we can always pedal without assistance. It is not a determining factor, but if the bicycle is very heavy it will be difficult for us to move it
Finally, autonomy will be linked to its energy storage capacity. The most efficient batteries are usually lithium-ion batteries, while the cheapest (and also heaviest) are usually lead, currently in disuse. The greater the storage capacity, the more kilometers they will allow us to travel with a similar level of pedaling assistance.
The autonomy that we achieve will also depend on the weight of the cyclist and the terrain to be covered. Someone who weighs 90 kilos and has to climb hills will not achieve the same performance as a cyclist who weighs 75 and performs a flat course. The same can be said about the bike. The normal thing is that they allow routes between 50 and 60 kilometers with pedaling assistance without problems.
It will also vary with the level of assistance chosen since the electric bike allows you to regulate how much you want the electric motor to push. Finally, you have to take into account the pressure of the wheels. High pressure makes the wheel slide better and has less friction but, on the contrary, we suffer more bumps and it is more uncomfortable if you do not have damping.
Where is the motor located?
When choosing a model it is interesting to consider where the engine is located. There are usually two trends, in the axle or in the wheel. It is a question of efficiency and sensations. With the motor on the axle, the usual pedaling of a bicycle feels more. It is the most suitable when we talk about doing sports with the bike, for MTB or even on the road. In addition, by having a torque movement sensor, on the axis itself when pushing the pedal, the electric motor starts working and the bike literally goes off, although it depends on the manufacturer and how it regulates the power delivery.
The feeling for first-time e-bike riders is as if they are always pedaling downhill.
In the case of the wheel motor, a motion sensor is included, so it takes a half or three-quarters of a turn for it to come into play. For more urban use, they usually go on the rear wheel, although it depends on the model, since some place it in the front to achieve double traction, the front wheel by the engine and the rear by the pedal.
Which electric bike model to choose
And now that we are clear about some concepts of electric bicycles, it is time to choose a model. And the decision factors will not be very different from what we must take into account on any other bike. It is interesting to ask yourself some questions:
- ¿ What use can we give regularly? Urban, mountain, road or mixed, cargo …
- ¿ Where are we going to save? Do we need it to be foldable?
- ¿ Where do we charge the batteries? If it is not removable, we will have to take the bike home or store it in a storage room where we can recharge the batteries.
- What range of bikes can I afford? As in everything we have the low, medium, or high ranges that are logically reflected in the price.

Odyssey has been the lead content writer and content marketer. He has vast experience in the field of writing. His SEO strategies help businesses to gain maximum traffic and success.