How should I get geese out of my pond?

Geese love to splash about in ponds, and often flock to areas where there are lots of water bodies. If you own a parcel of land that has a water body, then you are probably …

How should I get geese out of my pond?

Geese love to splash about in ponds, and often flock to areas where there are lots of water bodies. If you own a parcel of land that has a water body, then you are probably accustomed to having geese flock to it as the weather turns. Now, if you’re someone who wants to keep the water bodies clean, then you need to learn how to get geese out of your pond in a safe and humane way. You should contact someone who can help you with wild geese removal, or someone who offers geese control in Chicago. Let’s take a look at all the ways that are used to get rid of geese from water bodies!


How can you get rid of geese from your ponds?

Geese love to hang out in groups, and are big fans of water bodies. Fortunately, there are a few ways to get rid of them, without harming them. Some of the things that you can do are:

  1. Use sound based deterrents: Sound based deterrents (also known as audio deterrents), refers to sounds that are used to elicit a response in the target, which are geese in this case. When you work with professionals, you’ll note that they rely on different audio clips that have goose calls and predator bird calls. Such audio can help with inspiring the geese to move away.
  2. Use visual deterrents: Like any other animal or bird, geese are a part of the natural food chain, which means that there are some animals that eat geese for food. Naturally, geese are scared of such animals and try their best to stay away from them. Visual deterrents can be used in order to scare away the geese and make them go and live somewhere else. Like scarecrows are used to keep birds away from crops, dummies of foxes, coyotes and dogs can be used to make sure that the geese do live in the area.
  3. Use net to create an obstruction: If you do not mind geese living on your property, and simply want them to stay away from the water bodies, there’s a very simple solution for you. You can set up nets around the ponds so that the geese do not enter the area. Geese generally do not tamper with obstructions such as nets, and it’s a safe and humane way to keep them away.
  4. Use liquid deterrents: A liquid repellant is basically a liquid that irritates geese either when they touch it or smell it. These repellents are not designed to kill or harm the birds – they only make them want to leave the area (the way you should leave an area that is stinky). EPA-approved liquid deterrents are made of grade extract and are not bad for the environment.


How can you use these tools safely?

In order to control the movements of an animal or a bird, you need to be able to understand how they think. Now, one cannot expect laymen to do this as everyone has their own lives and priorities. This is why it makes a lot of sense to get in touch with someone who offers geese control in Chicago as they are seasoned professionals who understand how to make the geese get out of your pond.


Wild geese removal definitely requires a strategy that uses multiple tools to be able to control the movements of the geese. So, get in touch with professionals today to ensure that the job is done correctly.