How Long Does It Take For Tooth Extraction To Recover

Do you experience pain every time you sleep? You might be thinking you may need tooth extraction surgery soon. If this is the case for you, it is important to know what you should expect …

Do you experience pain every time you sleep? You might be thinking you may need tooth extraction surgery soon. If this is the case for you, it is important to know what you should expect during and after the procedure. For this reason, this guide will answer your question, “How long will it take to recover?” or “How many days do you have to skip work?”

Read along to find out about tooth extraction recovery time. So, let’s get started!

Why Do You Need a Tooth Extraction Procedure?

The dentist may recommend tooth extraction if you have:

  • a large cavity that has spoiled your tooth and cannot be restored
  • a broken tooth that cannot get fixed
  • an advanced gum disease that has damaged your supporting bone
  • a baby tooth that isn’t falling out on its own
  • a wisdom tooth that is either infected or impacted

You may also need a tooth extraction if you have a dental implant, denture, or other orthodontic treatment and require space in your mouth.

How Long Does It Take To Recover From a Tooth Extraction?

The recovery time for tooth extraction varies from person to person. It depends on certain factors; some of them are as follows.

  • Your oral health
  • The size and location of the tooth extracted
  • How well you follow post-surgery aftercare

If you have a simple tooth extraction, you will likely recover quickly. You should expect to rest at least 48-72 hours following your treatment. This duration will allow a blood clot to develop so that the healing process can begin. After that, you can return to your regular routine. But it will take 3-4 weeks for soft tissue to heal entirely.

On the other hand, if you have a surgical tooth extraction, the recovery process can take longer. Your oral surgeon may recommend you take a rest for the first 48 to 72 hours following your surgery. After that, you should still avoid physical activity for 1-2 weeks before returning to your regular routine.


If you’re wondering how many days you need to take off for work, the answer depends mainly on the nature of your job. Some work requires less physical activity while others need more. So, it is advisable to discuss this query with your oral surgeon or dentist beforehand. This will help you to coordinate with your employer in a better way.

Healing Tips for Tooth Extractions

Follow these tips to make sure you recover from tooth extraction quickly. You should:

  • Avoid using a straw, rinses, or spit for the first 24 hours to prevent dry socket condition
  • Don’t brush, floss, or chew near the surgical area for the first few days
  • For smokers, avoid smoking cigarettes to avoid the risk of getting an infection
  • Take rest and avoid physical activity like exercising, working, etc. to help heal your wound
  • Sleep with your head elevated for the first few days to avoid bleeding
  • Take prescribed pain relievers and apply a cold compress to manage swelling and pain

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of the best dentists in Houston, TX.