During your prenatal check-ups, a fetal doppler allows you to hear your baby’s heartbeat and feel deeply connected to your little one.
It is easy to use fetal dopplers, but they are also sensitive, and you might hear other sounds as well. Using your doppler correctly can have a big impact, so let’s review some basics.
As you become more comfortable using your doppler, hearing your little one’s heartbeat will be even more exciting.
What is a fetal doppler?
Fetal dopplers can be used to hear your baby’s heartbeat in the womb using a hand-held device.
To use a fetal doppler, you place a probe over ultrasound gel that is run along your belly like the one you would see at your doctor’s office.
If you’re using a fetal doppler, you may be able to hear the baby’s heartbeat via the device’s built-in speaker, or you may need headphones.
What makes expecting mothers so passionate about fetal dopplers?
There are several benefits to using a fetal doppler, including:
- Baby and mother feel more connected with fetal dopplers.
- Using a fetal doppler provides reassurance between check-ups (Important note: fetal dopplers do not replace medical appointments & regular checkups).
- Using a fetal doppler, family and friends can get to know their new family member before their arrival.
- The fetal doppler helps children and dads bond before the arrival of a new sibling and baby.
For expecting mothers, fetal dopplers are a great present. With multiple models available, we’re sure to have the right fetal doppler for every family, regardless of budget.
Can Fetal Dopplers be used safely?
You should take into consideration the quality of your fetal doppler as they are not all the same!
You will not find a better partner during your pregnancy than the Proactive Baby Fetal Doppler for monitoring your baby’s health. These dopplers offer the largest selection of ARTG-registered baby fetal doppler products available.
As a result of our innovative product, expecting parents, guests, and family members can monitor the heartbeat of their babies throughout their pregnancy, offering reassurance, joy, and lifelong memories.
HeartbeatTrack baby fetal dopplers from Proactive baby use sound waves that are considerably weaker than the ones produced by ultrasound machines, so they are perfectly safe to use for shorter periods of time.
What is the earliest time that I can hear my baby’s heartbeat using a fetal doppler?
Around 12 weeks, most women will begin to hear their baby’s heartbeat. The timing varies depending on the woman.
It is dependent on the size and shape of the mother’s belly, as well as where the baby is sitting when a mother is able to hear her baby’s heartbeat.
Using a doppler, how can you hear your baby’s heartbeat?
TIP 1: Be sure to use gel!
In the past, you may have had an ultrasound in which the technician applied a generous amount of ultrasound gel. Detecting a heartbeat is made easier by the gel. Using ultrasound gel reduces static, which could interfere with the signal otherwise.
Fetal Doppler gel could be bought from any drug store at a very affordable price.
Application Tip: Apply the ultrasound gel evenly to the lower abdomen – don’t rub it in like a moisturizer.
TIP 2: Make sure you have a full bladder. The best time is early in the morning.
Women find getting out of bed and attempting to find their baby’s heartbeat first thing in the morning to be the most effective time. Why not jump out of bed first thing in the morning and see if you can find your little one’s heartbeat before you use the bathroom.
With a full bladder, your uterus is pushed out of the pelvic cavity, making the sound easier to hear.
TIP 3: Take your time
Knowing that it is super exciting to try and find your baby’s heartbeat can make it tempting to move the probe around as much as possible if you cannot detect one at the outset. However, you should remain patient.
Ideally, you should start by placing the probe at the center of your pubic bone, and then slowly work your way up to your belly in a gentle rocking motion.
Hearing a precious little heartbeat at home is an enchanting experience – which is why many women want to use fetal dopplers. However, fetal dopplers can have problems. Whenever you or your babies experience any medical problems, you should not rely on a device to detect them.
As baby’s big day approaches, be sure to maintain regular prenatal appointments and follow your OB-GYN’s instructions on kick counting. If you are not sure whether you should use a doppler at home, you should consult your doctor – don’t be afraid to ask questions that may reduce any pregnancy anxieties.

Odyssey has been the lead content writer and content marketer. He has vast experience in the field of writing. His SEO strategies help businesses to gain maximum traffic and success.