Do I Need An Emergency Dentist For An Infected Tooth?

You don’t have to suffer through an infected tooth just because you don’t have an emergency dentist near me. If you are in pain and suffering from swelling, fever, or other signs that your tooth …

You don’t have to suffer through an infected tooth just because you don’t have an emergency dentist near me. If you are in pain and suffering from swelling, fever, or other signs that your tooth has become infected, you should seek help at once. The longer you leave it untreated, the higher the risk that the infection will spread to other parts of your body, becoming something more serious like osteomyelitis or sepsis, which can lead to amputation, blindness, and even death. Don’t wait to get help — call our emergency dentist today!

Does The Infection Go Deep Enough Need Root Canal Treatment?

If the infection does not go deep enough to require root canal treatment, then yes, an emergency dentist can still remove the tooth. However, if the infection has gone too deep and requires a root canal treatment or surgery to remove it from its socket, then you need to find the best orthodontist near me. The last thing anyone wants is to end up with permanent nerve damage that results in more serious problems down the line. So be sure to always get your teeth checked out by an emergency dentist when you have any concerns about them!  Additionally, if the dentist decides to remove the infected tooth, it’s crucial that you get them replaced as soon as possible. In case your dentist does not offer implants for tooth replacement, you can check out this dentist who does the best dental implants in Chattanooga.

Does It Hurt Too Much To Eat Or Chew?

It can be difficult to know when you have a tooth infection. The pain in your mouth may make it hard to eat or chew. You might also have swelling and tenderness in the area around your tooth. Your gums might look red, swollen, and inflamed. This is a sign of infection.

If you’re not sure if you have an infection, ask your dentist if they can help you diagnose the problem by taking x-rays of your mouth and doing a quick exam. If they suspect that you have an infection, they’ll refer you to the best orthodontist near me as soon as possible so that they can provide treatment. What should I do until then? When you see your dentist, they will assess the severity of the infection and decide what course of action to take next. In some cases, you will need antibiotics from a specialist to clear up any bacterial infections. Antibiotics are prescription medications that doctors use to treat bacterial infections like gum disease. They won’t work on viral infections like colds or the flu.

Does The Swelling Spread Beyond Your Mouth?

If you experience swelling that extends beyond your mouth, you should seek medical attention. It is best to speak with a dentist who specializes in emergency dentistry, such as the best orthodontist near me. The dentist will examine your teeth and gums to determine whether or not infection is present. If there is an infection, the dentist may need to extract the tooth as quickly as possible to prevent further complications.

Are You Experiencing Headaches, Fever, Or A Stiff Neck?

If you are experiencing headaches, fever, or a stiff neck, you may have an infected tooth. The symptoms of an infected tooth include pain when eating and drinking hot or cold items, swelling in the gums around the infected tooth, tenderness in the jawbone near the mouth, and redness of the gums surrounding the tooth. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then visit your dentist as soon as possible to be evaluated.

If You Are In Pain And Worried About An Infection, Call Your Regular Dentist Right Away.

Infection can be a very serious health risk. A general dentist may not be able to assess whether or not the tooth needs to come out, and will refer you to your dental specialist. Depending on the severity of the infection, some patients may need antibiotics before their appointment. In cases where there is an abscess, usually surgery is required.

Have You Been Avoiding Visiting Your Family And Friends Because You’re Embarrassed By Your Teeth Condition?

It is more than likely that you’ve been putting off seeing people in your life because of the condition of your teeth. If this is the case, you are not alone and there is no need to be embarrassed. The first step to getting out of this cycle of shame and avoidance is to take action. You can start by making a phone call or stopping by the emergency dentist’s office to see if they can help you with what appears to be an infected tooth.

An infection in your mouth can happen from being too rough when brushing, eating too many sweets, or drinking too much alcohol. These actions combined lead to plaque build-up which causes bacteria on your teeth to grow and create cavities. While cavities usually don’t hurt until it has reached a point where it starts hurting, infections will almost always hurt right away which is why you must address this issue as soon as possible so the infection doesn’t spread further into your body causing pain throughout other parts of your body.

If you do have an infected tooth it would be best to visit an emergency dentist because they are trained in dealing with dental emergencies such as these.

These Are Signs Of Infections That May Require Prompt Care.

*A sudden, severe pain in your tooth or gums that doesn’t respond to home care. *Swelling around your tooth or gums. *Pain when you chew food, drink hot liquids, or brush your teeth. *Redness, tenderness, or warmth around the tooth. *White patches on the gum tissue near the infected tooth. Excessive saliva production.

The following are signs of infections that may require prompt care: a sudden, severe pain in your tooth or gums that don’t respond to home care; swelling around your tooth or gums; pain when you chew food, drink hot liquids, or brush your teeth; redness, tenderness, or warmth around the tooth; and white patches on the gum tissue near the infected tooth. Contact us today if any of these symptoms persist and we’ll be happy to help!