Money-saving is an art and is necessary to make you lead a comfortable life. Many people try to save money and build up emergency funds to secure their future, while others believe in spending on the moment and live a life of uncertainty.
Spending all of your money is always the easy way. Spending and saving simultaneously is the right way to pave the way for a stable financial future.
The basic money goals
What are your money goals? What are your plans to fulfil your money goals? If you have already asked these questions to yourself, you are moving on the right path.
If these questions are not in your thought process, you need to reconsider your monetary decisions and spending pattern. The most important question to ask yourself is that, what will you prefer?
Or a secured future with a comfortable present or a comfortable present with an uncertain future?
Different people have different types of saving reasons. For example, some people may live to save for buying their dream house, while some may save to lead a leisure life during their retirement phase. Regardless of the reasons, it is essential to save money.
You have to keep challenging yourself in terms of money to save a substantial amount in your account. In case of no savings, you may be left with the option of borrowing. You can take out car finance from direct lenders and fulfill your basic needs.
Money Savings Challenges
No spend challenge
Give yourself a no-spend challenge and stick to it. You can keep a no-spend day of every week and follow it with utmost sincerity. You do not have to cut down on your absolute necessities that day, but you can avoid luxury spending.
You have to challenge yourself for everything that you do not need at the moment. This challenge also helps you to appreciate simple things in life and limit your wants and desires, which eventually help you in your retirement phase.
You can exceed the challenge as per your will. You can go on for two days or three days a week for one day. Once you are used to it, it will be easier for you to cut down on your spending in the long run and focus on your savings.
The spare change challenge
You can easily follow this challenge as it may seem interesting and fun to you. Whenever you go to the supermarket or a medical store, you may be left with some change in your pocket.
You can keep up that change in a box and watch it grow. It will be fun to watch your money grow. Do not think of emptying that box before a year.
Upon collecting a substantial amount, you can take out the money and put it into your savings account. If this challenge doesn’t thrill you, instead of change, you can get pt £1 every morning in that box to collect a substantial amount, according to you.
Put your savings in an automated setup
If you often forget to save money or savings is not included in your monthly routine, this is the perfect challenge for you. You can open a savings account with your bank and set up an automatic transfer to your savings account.
If you are automating the process, ensure to keep a comfortable amount that you can keep aside from your monthly expenses without affecting your monthly spending budget.
Automating your savings should not put you under stress. In fact, in the end, it should give your happiness and contentment.
The 365 days challenge
You can take up the 365 days challenge, i.e. save 1p on day 1, 2p on day 2 and similarly 365p on day 365. With this approach, you can save a good amount of money in your account.
The 52-week challenge
Like the 365 days challenge, this challenge goes the same way but with a twist. There are 52 weeks in a year, and you start saving with week 1.
Save £1 in week one, £2 in week two, and £52 in week 52. This challenge motivates you to increase your amount every week. You can use the saved amount either by purring this amount in your savings account, or you can use it up to plan a vacation for your family.
By saving this amount, you do not have to indulge in any soft search of your credit score for any borrowing such as car finance or home loans.
The 52 weeks reverse challenge
Since December is a tough time for your finances, you can reverse your approach and save yourself from financial constraints during that time of the year.
The reverse of the approach mentioned above. You can start with £52 in week 1, £51 in week 2, and you will land p with £1 in week 52. This way, you can save a larger amount at the starting of the year, keeping your December light in terms of finances.
It is easier to save a larger amount during the start of the year than towards the year-end. This will motivate you and make you happy with the amount saved by you.
Save with your Facebook post
You can make your savings fun for you. If you are addicted to social media, you can save a lot of money. Decide upon a figure that you wish to save.
Every time you post on Facebook, put the decided amount in a box. You can use various applications to track your savings and monitor them regularly.
Money-saving is an important factor that helps you to stay away from any stress and tension. It makes your life secure and gives you the freedom to live your life on your own terms.
With financial independence, you can think of helping others as well. Prioritize your finances to leave a positive financial legacy for your future generations.

Crag Williams is known for its well-explained and well-researched blogs. He possesses high experience in the credit lending and makes a significant contribution.