The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland located in the pelvic region below the bladder and slightly ahead of the rectum, surrounding part of the urethra. The prostate is responsible for producing the seminal fluid that is the medium of transportation for the sperm in semen, and is also responsible for producing prostate-specific antigen that keeps sperm in the liquid state.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a condition of the prostate whereby it grows past the normal size. This enlargement can cause serious complications owing to its position and function. As it surrounds the urethra, it can prevent the flow of urine and semen. This can eventually lead to bladder and kidney problems as well.
If you have a family history of the condition, you should seriously consider getting examined by a professional for signs of the condition. If you live in a remote location and do not have access to physicians in your area, you may want to consider these online urologist.
Symptoms of the condition vary greatly between individuals, but what is common is that the condition worsens gradually over time. The most common symptoms of the condition include:
- A frequent urge to urinate
- Frequent urination during the night time (nocturia)
- Difficulty in maintaining a urinary stream
- Difficulty in initiating urination
- A weak urinary stream
- Dribbling at the end of urination, accompanied by difficulty emptying the bladder
- Regular urinary tract infections
- Pain during urination or ejaculation
- Urine that may smell particularly bad
- Blood in the urine and/or semen
If left unchecked BPH may result in other complications due to its blockage of the urethra. These include:
- Developing bladder and kidney stones
- Damage to the kidneys due to the backflow of urine causing excess pressure build-up
- Pain in the lower abdomen while urinating
Though it is not known what the exact cause of prostate enlargement is, some studies have shown that sex hormones may be involved. This is supported by the fact that the condition is most prevalent in older men, in which the hormone levels start to decrease.
Risk Factors
Besides changing sex hormone levels, there are some factors that may be associated with increased risk of developing benign prostatic hyperplasia. These factors include:
- Age: Though the condition may manifest in individuals younger than the age of 40, the symptoms usually become more noticeable past that age. One third of all men with BPH experience moderate to severe symptoms past the age of 60, while the majority experience it after reaching the age of 80.
- Genetics: Having a family history of the condition makes you more likely to develop the condition yourself.
- Diabetes and Heart Disease: Some studies have shown a link between these two conditions and the on-set of BPH.
- Obesity: Being overweight may increase the risk of developing the condition.
Oftentimes benign prostatic hyperplasia does not progress to the point where treatment is necessary. However, if symptoms are severe, there are some treatment options available. These include medications that decrease the level of the hormone dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for prostate growth, drugs that relax the prostate muscles in order to ease pressure on the urethra and bladder. Surgical options are also available which normally involve the removal of excess tissue from the gland and incisions in the bladder and prostate to make room for the urethra. A procedure that simply moves the lobes of the prostate away from the urethra may also be recommended.
If you are considering treatment for BPH, we recommend consulting a professional. These Best urologist in Lahore are great options in that city.

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