A Guide: Mistakes You Need to Avoid Why Applying Make Up

Make-up is an art, and to be considered an artist in this department, one has to explore himself. A single appearance doesn’t satisfy everyone in the block; it’s because the skin type, sensitivity, and many …

Make Up Mistakes

Make-up is an art, and to be considered an artist in this department, one has to explore himself. A single appearance doesn’t satisfy everyone in the block; it’s because the skin type, sensitivity, and many other factors vary.

Still, some facets of this field are somewhat similar, so we all agree on these aspects. The guide aims to highlight the more common points in each individual than to underline the concepts that differ.

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  • Warm water: The argument is focused on the utilization of cold/warm water on the skin. Some suggest warm water as it provides a tranquilizing effect on the skin and opposite to that, some stress on the usage of cold water, as it aids in expanding the pores and increasing the blood flow.

The latter is backed with scientific statistics because the more the blood flows, the lower would be chances for the skin to cause dryness, itchiness, acne, and rashes.

Most of the problems caused in the human body are due to the limited supply of blood to those particular regions. Coldwater pumps up the blood and, thus, is beneficial.

  • Set your foundation: Foundation is where this all starts. What starts well ends well-that rule applies here too. If the foundation set for your make-up doesn’t back your type, it’s more likely for your look to appear dull and abnormal.

In this case, it’s suggested not to overuse the foundation because that would leave a velvety look on your face that’s unreal and appears fake. You can’t expect applause with the cover of the quixotic set up.

Utilize a minimal amount of foundation and that too on your cheeks and nose only. That would get the job done; moreover, the spots would be fixed, and an even appearance would be attained.

  • Imitating celebrities: The celebrities you’ve watched on your social media websites are photoshopped hundreds of times before the final appearance is seen on the screen. Don’t compare yourself right away with those beings because it’s impossible to imitate the same appearance as them in one-go.

 Practice multiple make-up patterns for your skin and face type and decide for yourself which one suits you. Ask for honest opinions of people around you and strive to reach your maximum.

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  • Too many products at a time:  We’ve seen people using all of the products they bought recently from the store and then complaining about those items because they couldn’t get them the look they had expected, you know why?

It’s because we’re not literate enough in this department. It would help if you were aware that utilizing multiple products could make your skin itchy and, in a worse scenario, even infectious. Check out all the products one by one, to recognize which one is worth using the second time.

  • Leaving your make-up on: This is one of the most ignored aspects, and none seems to talk about it. It must not be taken for granted as it’s the leading cause of infections and irritation on the skin. Certain chemicals are used in the synthesis of products. When left on for such long hours, these chemicals are prone to react with the skin.

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To avoid such reactions, it’s recommended to wash your entire face before you go to bed. Not only it would keep your bed sheet clean, but it’d be highly benign to you.