8 tips to gain muscle quickly

As soon as you enter the world of fitness, through the internet, magazine, or anywhere else. The first thing that you would come across would be gaining muscles. If you are a woman you come …

As soon as you enter the world of fitness, through the internet, magazine, or anywhere else. The first thing that you would come across would be gaining muscles. If you are a woman you come across words like “toning” meaning you should gain but not too much of muscles, and for a man words like “ripped” are used. In both cases there is a focus on gaining muscles, so let us jump to how can we gain the muscle, the right way.

But first, let us understand the science of gaining muscles. Hypertrophy, which is sometimes used interchangeably with the word “muscle expansion,” simply refers to an improvement in cellular capacity. It normally refers to an expansion in the cross-sectional area of muscle tissue in the worlds of exercise, diet, and body structure. A widespread misunderstanding is that “muscle growth” involves the addition of more individual muscle fibers, which is a different phase (known as “hyperplasia”) that does not exist in humans.

Two things will have both acute and long-term effects on the size of your muscles:

1.Resistance training


Here are 8 quick tips for you to gain that muscle quickly, but the right way!

1.Set the right expectations

When you start your journey of muscle building, understand that progress takes time. You can build around 227gm of muscle each week, also it may differ for a beginner and an experienced lifter.

So if you don’t see your desired progress in a month or two, don’t give up. Have patience and constantly work towards it. A beginner may be able to see the progress in 8 weeks whereas for an experienced lifter it may be 3-4 weeks.

  1. Eat your breakfast right

This gives you a blast of energy right away and keeps you complete before the next lunch or snack. It also sets the tone: if you start your day with a hearty and nutritious meal, you’ll be more likely to eat healthily during the day. Omelets, smoothies, and cottage cheese are the best bets if you’re looking to gain muscle mass.

  1. Eat-in every 3 hours

It’s important to eat the best foods at the right times if you want to increase your muscle mass. The simplest method is to enjoy your regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with meals post-workout, before bed, and two snacks in between. You would not feel as hungry if you keep your food consumption high, and consuming fewer meals more often rather than a few large meals will reduce your stomach size. When you don’t feed for a long time, you’re more likely to overeat at the next meal or fill up with unhealthy vending machine treats. So, to avoid cravings, feed at regular intervals during the day, and the body will get hungry at those intervals.

  1. Eat your carbs

Many lifters follow a low-carb diet in the hopes of remaining lean, but this strategy will make adding muscle difficult. Carbohydrates are important for two reasons: preventing catabolism (muscle loss) and producing glycogen to power your workouts.

Carbohydrates are needed since your body prioritizes burning carb calories over protein stores. You won’t be able to make the kind of commitment in the gym that flips on the “get bigger” button if you don’t have enough glycogen.

  1. Eat whole foods

90 percent of your dietary consumption should be whole foods if you want to get the results you want to improve your muscle mass substantially. Foods in their normal environment. There are unprocessed, unrefined (or minimally refined) ingredients that are as similar to their natural state as possible. Fresh meat, fish, poultry, eggs, vegetables, pulses, bananas, rice, oats, quinoa, and other grains are examples.

  1. Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

Power training induces water depletion by sweating, which can hinder muscle regeneration and discourage you from gaining muscle mass. Drinking water not only eliminates thirst, but it also prevents starvation, since an empty stomach will fool you into thinking you’re hungry.

  1. Prioritize your sleep

We all have busy lives, and it sometimes seems as if the only way to find time, for one thing, is to compromise something else. However, losing sleep in order to practice at 0:30 hurts the progress. Your body doesn’t have enough time to heal, develop muscle, or lose fat if you don’t have enough sleep.

You’re even more likely to skip the next exercise if you’re sleep-deprived. If you were to choose one, it would be best to choose between 7-8 hours of sleep.

  1. Workout

This is probably the most important but the most obvious tip for gaining muscle. But it is not just about working out but working outright. If you are working out but not seeing the obvious increase from time to time, it’s a sign that your approach is wrong. Here are a few quick tips for your workout:

  • Increase Training Volume
  • Focus on the Eccentric Phase
  • Reduce between-set rest intervals
  • Add weights
  • Go for Compounds
  • Use Barbells
  • Be consistent

In your journey towards gaining more muscles, strength-boosting supplements play a vital role. But you should see that you use products that are safe for your body. Arunveda’s strength booster products which should be your first choice, are all-natural, safe, and 100% vegan! Buy strength booster products today and fuel your muscle gain journey.