7 Effective Home Remedies to Remove Birthmarks

Birthmarks are colored marks on your skin, face or body that are present since birth. These usually appear as pink, red or brown parches and differ in size. They can also grow after your birth …

Birthmarks are colored marks on your skin, face or body that are present since birth. These usually appear as pink, red or brown parches and differ in size. They can also grow after your birth and become darker over time. You really do not need to treat them until it becomes visible to others. Depending on the size, area and color of your birthmarks, you need to decide whether you want to remove them.

Here are Some Effective Home Remedies for Birthmark Removal

  1. Lemon: It has bleaching properties that helps to remove birthmarks easily. The presence of Vitamin C in lemon improves your skin texture and fight against radicals that are responsible for aging of your skin. You may squeeze the lemon juice and then apply it on the affected area in order to solve the problem of birthmarks. Make sure it gets dried properly and finally, wash it off with cold water.
  2. Ice pack: This is the easiest way to get rid of birthmarks completely. With cold compression, you can eliminate hyper pigmentation and remove these marks without any trouble. You can take an ice pack and then massage it on your affected area. Try doing this for 30 minutes and after that, you can wash it off with cold water. You can also get help from a dermatologist for birthmark removal quickly.
  3. Vitamin E oil: Vitamin E has antioxidants that can help to lighten birthmarks easily. It will keep your skin moisturised by avoiding further damage caused due to free radicals. You may take Vitamin E oil and then apply it on your birthmarks. After this, massage for some time and leave it overnight. Try rinsing it off in the morning with lukewarm water.
  4. Aloe vera gel: It is an effective and inexpensive remedy that helps to remove birthmarks from the body easily. Take fresh aloe vera gel from its leaves and then apply it properly on these marks. Start massaging for a certain time and see that it dries completely. Try to rinse off the affected area with cold water. You may add turmeric to the aloe vera gel and then use it to get rid of the birthmarks.
  5. Olive oil: Olive oil is a good ingredient that has been effective for treating and removing birthmarks. It is a lightening agent for the skin that can help to get rid of birthmarks quickly. By using olive oil daily, you will be able to get the most effective results. Apply olive oil on your birthmarks, massage it for some time and finally, wash it off with water.
  6. Tomato juice: Tomato juice has bleaching properties that are an effective way to remove birthmarks easily. The antioxidants present in tomato juice lighten the marks so that you can have clear skin. Try to extract the tomato juice and add vitamin E oil to mix it properly. Apply the mixture on the birthmarks so that it dries completely and then wash off with water. You may talk to a skin specialist and know if tomato juice can be applied on your skin for removing birthmarks.
  7. Yogurt and orange juice: Both of them have rich amount of Vitamin C, which makes them very effective to use on your skin. You can apply yoghurt and orange juice together that lightens these birthmarks easily. Take at least 2 to 3 spoons of yoghurt and then add orange juice to this mixture. Finally, apply them on your marks to clear them and then wash them with cold water.

Apart from these home remedies discussed above, if you are staying in London, you may book you appointment with private dermatologist at Clear Skin Clinic to get rid of these marks quickly.