If you were asked to name some comedians, you are going to recite the famous names. After all, these are the people that are on television, as well as have regular shows across London. But have you ever thought of supporting upcoming comedians in their quest for fame and glory?
Often, upcoming comedians struggle because they cannot get large enough crowds to give them a chance. However, there are a lot of advantages you can enjoy when you do support them. So, let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should give an upcoming comedian a chance.
Fresh Jokes
One of the most important reasons why you should consider giving upcoming comedians support is that they can have a fresh on events and situations. In other words, you can enjoy fresh jokes and a new comedy style. This can make things more exciting and interesting when you are part of the audience.
So, go along and see comedians that you have never heard of before. You will not know what to expect and it can be something different to enjoy with friends and family. You may be surprised by how much you like the comedian and might be back for more shows in the future.
New Venues
It is common for some comedians to always play at the same venues. So, if you are someone that likes to discover new places and explore different comedy venues, this might not be what you want. After all, familiarity can get boring after a while. This is the great thing about finding new acts. This is also an opportunity to explore a new venue and see what it is like. It adds some excitement to your night.
Therefore, if you want an all-around new experience, consider going to see an upcoming act. This can be a fun night out that offers something different. You might discover that you love the venue and the crowd it attracts. For example, you can visit Comedy Carnival. This is a comedy club that has several fun spots in London that you can enjoy. You might find that you like it there and keep coming back with friends and family. It can be your new hangout spot in the city.
Cheaper Tickets
If you are seeing the show of an established comedian, it will be expected that you pay more for your ticket. This is just the way that it goes. Once someone’s name is out there, the price of tickets rises. However, that is the great thing about going to see someone new and upcoming in the industry. Their tickets are often cheaper.
So, if you are looking for a cheaper night out and some fun with family or friends, you can get tickets to someone you have not heard of before. Of course, this is an opportunity to see if you like them, as well as make sure you are not paying a fortune.
Bragging Rights
Many people on the comedy scene are relatively unheard of. But, one great joke and you can go viral. That is the power of social media and the internet these days. So, why not see a star before they become big? Of course, this is a way that you can enjoy bragging rights and you can tell all of your friends and family you saw that comedian before they found country-wide fame.
Let’s not forget that when someone becomes famous through their comedy, it can be difficult to get a ticket. So, at least you can say that you have seen that person before everyone else is scrambling to get a ticket to their show.
More Excitement
Doing the same thing over and over again can get boring. If you are someone that does not like familiarity and doing the same thing all the time, it can be good to go and support an upcoming comedian. Of course, this is something that is different and new experiences bring a bit more excitement to your life. You do not know what you are going to get and you can have some fun with it.
Thankfully, there are always new comedians hitting the scene. So, there is plenty of opportunity to support them and enjoy some excitement. Sure, there might be some shows that are better than others. But, that is the beautiful of going to a comedy club. You can get a bit of everything and decide what you like the most when it comes to shows.

Hello! My name is Mr. Abbax khan. I am a content writer & full-time professional Web Designer and Developer specially WORDPRESS with vast experience. I started my graduation in 2016 and graduated in 2020. I’m a professional article and blog writer, has written dozens of content on different topics and worked with professionals all over the globe.